Streamer crashes Warzone server by blowing up every vehicle simultaneously

150 players team up to create mass explosion using cluster strikes

A streamer keen to test the limits of what Call of Duty Warzone can handle crashed the game by coordinating a volley of cluster strikes designed to blow up every vehicle in the game simultaneously.

Having agreed on a ceasefire, MarleyThirteen and 149 of his followers dropped into a match with the goal of creating the biggest explosion possible to see what would happen.

The group made several failed attempts to round up all the vehicles in Verdansk in a single location—reckless parking and accidental collisions caused a chain reaction of explosions in one effort on the airport runway—before finding a suitable spot near Promenade East.

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“Could we cause a rift in the servers by blowing up every vehicle on the map at once? Well, you better believe we could.”

MarleyThirteen and his followers have posted a series of videos over the past few weeks in which they attempt to break the game through various means.

Across several videos, the huge number of players are shown dropping into and gathering in the same locations, calling in over 100 loadouts at the same time, and looting all the available cash before giving it to a single player, with varying results.

Most of the behaviour of the around 150 players caused Warzone to visibly struggle, with animations skipping frames and visual glitches affecting scenery and items.

Activision launched Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Season 2 on February 25, introducing fresh points of interest in Verdansk including a shipwreck, missile silos, mysterious Black Ops zombie terminals and a new dock at the dam.

Warzone’s current season will be the last to take place on Verdansk, VGC understands. At the end of Season 2, the battle royale game will finally transition to its second, 1980s-themed map, with new locations themed around the Black Ops series.

The change will be marked by an explosive in-game event designed to narratively transition Warzone from the Modern Warfare era, to a setting more in line with the most recent premium series release.

Activision released a new high resolution texture pack for Modern Warfare and Warzone on Tuesday.

Weighing in at around 8.4GB on consoles, the pack “supports the most detailed textures for weapons and Operators” in the games. It’s recommended only for players with high-resolution displays.

Xbox Series X Digital
Xbox Series S – 512GB
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