Xbox moves to position Series X as ‘most powerful’ console

PS5 was previously positioned as “world’s fastest console”

Xbox moves to position Series X as ‘most powerful’ console

Xbox has moved to position its next-gen Series X console as the “most powerful” games console.

Xbox’s gaming boss, Phil Spencer has previously stated that Xbox Series X “will not be out of position on power” and it seems this position will translate into the new console’s marketing.

Last week Microsoft moved to secure its official marketing slogan for the next-gen console: “power your dreams.”

The slogan first appeared in December’s Game Awards reveal video, but Microsoft has now moved to trademark the phrase (as spotted by Wccftech).

The slogan is likely intended to point towards the significant hardware grunt behind Xbox Series X, which a recent report suggested could be more powerful than PS5 in terms of raw specs.

The official Xbox Series X website also features the slogan: “Fastest. Most powerful,” again leaning into the performance capability of the new console.

Xbox moves to position Series X as ‘most powerful’ console
Xbox has moved to trademark the ‘power your dreams’ slogan.

Meanwhile, the first indication of Sony’s PS5 marketing strategy suggests it plans to promote the console’s speed of access, enabled by its high-speed solid state drive (SSD).

In October a Sony job advert positioned PS5 as the “world’s fastest console.”

At Sony’s CES press conference on Monday, CEO Jim Ryan also mentioned “unprecedented speed” in relation to PlayStation 5 software. Sony’s official reveal campaign for PlayStation 5 will take place “in the months ahead,” the executive suggested.

PS5 lead system architect Mark Cerny has called the console’s ultra-high speed SSD “a true game changer”.

More than any other feature, Cerny believes the SSD is “the key to the next generation”.

Sony has used PS4 exclusive Spider-Man to demonstrate how PS5’s SSD will dramatically reduce loading times and improve gameplay experiences, with the in-game camera able to fast travel through the city without pausing for asset loading on next-gen hardware. What takes eight seconds to load on PS4 Pro takes less than one second on PS5.

Xbox Series X is also set to include an SSD which Microsoft says will virtually eliminate load times.

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