Watch Dogs Legion launches Assassin’s Creed crossover with latest title update

New playable character, missions, modes and more detailed in patch notes

Ubisoft has launched Watch Dogs Legion’s Assassin’s Creed crossover as part of the game’s latest update.

Title update 5.5, which is given an overview in the trailer above and detailed in the patch notes below, introduces futuristic assassin Darcy as a new playable character for season pass owners.

“Play with the futuristic assassin in the main game or online and bring her signature hidden blade in the ultimate stealth-based Watch Dogs: Legion experience,” says Ubisoft.

The crossover also includes two new single-player story missions and two new side missions free for all players.

Title update 5.5. also introduces two free PvP modes, Extraction and Invasion, alongside the single-player Resistance mode, which is billed as “a challenging new way to experience Legion’s campaign”.

And it includes the release of new zombies survival mode Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead.

Watch Dogs Legion launches Assassin’s Creed crossover with latest title update

Watch Dogs Legion title update 5.5 notes

New game modeResistance Mode
Step into a challenging new way to experience Legion’s campaign, where:

  • Almost all enemies are Elite and use their special gadget more often
  • Max ammunition is significantly reduced
  • Enemies detect you much faster
  • Albion will detect and recognize DedSec in the open world if you get too close
  • Albion Checkpoints will detect DedSec and trigger an Albion pursuit
  • Albion has trapped some Tech Points around London. Collecting “TRAPPED” Tech Points will trigger an Albion pursuit
  • Tech Tree economy is rebalanced, with the strongest upgrades costing more Tech Points
  • Albion Pursuits are more difficult, escalate faster, and trigger more often
  • Enemies are far quicker to call reinforcements and escalate to lethal force
  • Most abilities, hacks, and gadgets have significantly longer cooldowns
  • Tube station fast travel is disabled
  • Health regeneration takes longer to kick in
  • Explosives cannot be armed with the ‘Trap’ hack. Trigger the “Explode” hack or shoot it when an enemy walks by
  • Injury and Arrest times are significantly longer
  • The Infiltrator Spiderbot cannot execute takedowns
  • Most civilians start out disliking DedSec
  • Permadeath is always ON
  • Added an achievement for completing the campaign on Resistance Mode

You can find more details about Resistance Mode in our dedicated Tea Time with Bagley article.

New game mode: Invasion
The fan-favorite Invasion PvP mode is back in Watch Dogs: Legion, and with Play as Anyone it’s been upgraded to the next level.

As you know from Watch Dogs games, Invaders will attempt to complete the download on Search team members. In Watch Dogs: Legion, Invaders have access to more tools of deception, including the ability to swap to other Operatives in the world to avoid being detected. The Search team will need to use their whole arsenal of weapons, abilities, and tools in the environment, to prevent the download from finishing.

New game mode: Extraction
Another addition to TU5.5 is our third PvP mode, Extraction, Watch Dogs: Legion’s take on Capture-The Flag. A 4 player Free-For-All where you obtain crypto drives and race across the city to upload the data, while other players will try to stop you at all costs.

New crossover event: Assassin’s Creed

  • Two new single-player missions
  • Two new world missions.
  • Season Pass content: New High Value Character – Darcy

Abilities, Gadget and Weapons:

  • Hidden Blade

The iconic Assassin weapon. Improves melee and perform takedowns from any angle

  • Eagle Drone

Scout drone that can self-destruct and can emit a short-range EMP

  • Assassin Training (Passive)

Avoid detection for longer while in stealth, and take less weapon damage while sprinting

  • AR Disguise (Gadget)

Assume the look of a soldier with access to restricted locations. Also applies to nearby allies in multiplayer

  • Assassin’s Gun 

A discreet Brotherhood pistol that fires a single high damage shot. Automatically reloads while holstered

  • Assassin’s Dart Gun

A concealed dart gun that causes human targets to go berserk. Automatically reloads while holstered
Learn more about Darcy in our Tea Time article.

Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead updates: 
With Title Update 5.5 the game mode Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead will be available on all platforms directly through the main game, with no separate download necessary.
Game mode updates:

Enemies Archetype 

  • Clan Kelley Grenadier: Wears a dynamite vest and explodes on death
  • Dev comment: This zombie can be strategically used to clear groups of zombies as they will drop a bomb on death. It’s dangerous to let them get close to you though, so keep a distance!
  • Screamer: Let’s out a very distinctive scream alerting other zombies to run toward players.
  • Dev comment: This zombie should be a high priority target for any survivor out there. Take them out with quickly before things go really bad.

Increased density variety 

  • More variety in clusters composition
  • Drones spawning in the street improvements: their number and type can now vary.

Updates to the extraction paths

  • There’s now a chance of heavy fog on half of the paths, dramatically affecting gameplay by reducing visibility for players and enemies
  • Added randomized weather pre-sets in every path, allowing visual distinction between each path
  • Rain, Haze, Heavy Fog, Day and Night
  • 4 new paths added
  • Playlist order is now randomized

Abilities and weapons

  • 6 New Guns added to the list
  • Goblin – Assault Rifle
  • Negev – LMG
  • P308 – Assault Rifle
  • LPO-97 – Grenade Launcher
  • StriborgSR9 Silenced – SMG
  • Vector – SMG
  • 2 new vehicles
  • MK3Marlott
  • CavaleLSE800
  • Car honk and car explosions will now attract zombies


  • Operatives:

Operatives are now kept between runs if the operative explicitly didn’t die. That means that if the previous session fails for any other reasons (time out or another player dying), the player will keep his operative for the next round.

  • You can now reroll Operatives before a session for 1 Credits
  • Extraction streaks will now be shown in the game lobby
  • Co-Op waypoints
  • The game will display the way points of other players, making it easier to cooperate with teammates.

General updates:

The start menu has been updated to include Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead

High Value Characters:

  • Mina has received a unique loading screen when switching to her.

Fallen Operatives in the Team Menu

  • Fallen Operatives will now continue to be displayed in the Team Menu until you retire them.

Additional Save Slots

  • Added two new save slots to consoles

Operatives on Map

  • All recruited Operatives now appear on the main map with their profile picture.
  • Updated Operative Hover card
  • Portrait, Name, Occupation, and current schedule or primary bio info will be displayed when hovering over an Operative on the map.
  • Operatives go about their daily schedules, but also may place themselves near missions
  • Operative Swap cutscenes play more often when swapping to an operative from the map
  • Operatives appear on the map in both Classic and Resistance single player campaigns

Online Mode:

Spiderbot Arena

  • Increased maximum player limit to 8

New Season

  • Season 3 starts with TU5.5
  • New reward track has been added to the Online Mode.

Co-Op Missions

  • Reduced end of Mission timer to 23 seconds.
  • Mission “Dysfunction” was tweaked in several areas to make it slightly easier to complete.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue that could cause player names to overlap in the Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead game lobby.
  • Fixed an issue causing a black shadow on Aiden Pearce’s collar.
  • Fixed an issue causing duplicated lighting layers in Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead.
  • Fixed some closed doors in Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead.
  • Fixed several clipping issues on Operative outfits.
  • Removed incorrect placeholder text in the in-game store when hovering over items on sale.
  • Fixed an issue causing some emotes to be missing from Wrench’s mask.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the news section of Ubisoft Connect to sometimes not correctly display.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when leaving a mission area while the mission was in progress in the Online mode.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause all hacking interactions to become unresponsive after performing a save/load during the Red King Bloodline Mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could remove already visited shops from the DedSec shop under certain circumstances when creating or joining a new Online mode session.
  • Fixed missing speaker names in the subtitles during the “Inside Albion” mission.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to hijack Drones in Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead without the necessary ability.
  • Fixed an issue causing the subtitles to overlap during the “Vigilance” Bloodline mission.
  • Fixed several missing sound effects when hovering over UI elements with a mouse.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the menu to freeze and a disconnection error to continuously repeat when disconnecting while accessing the Bloodline main menu on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the game to not check internet connectivity when using the “Load cloud save” or “Upload save to cloud” options on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

PlayStation 4

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash under certain circumstances.

PlayStation 5

  • Fixed an issue that caused a cinematic during the Bloodline expansion to flash too brightly.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when creating a private lobby after leaving a party in Online mode.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a mission objective to not correctly update when the player wasn’t looking at the objective while interacting with it during the Habeas Corpses Bloodline mission.
  • Fixed some flickering textures in the Lambeth Towers region.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when switching between profiles on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from joining a co-op Online session after starting the game from standby.
  • Fixed an issue where the game didn’t try to automatically re-connect to the game servers when resuming the game from standby.
  • Added an error message when the console is unable to save progress, to allow players to restart at their earliest convenience. “An error has just occurred that is stopping your game from being saved. Please restart your game to be able to save your progress again.”
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