Comments of the Week – ‘Gran Turismo 7 was a grind even before it was nerfed’

We round up the best of the correspondence VGC has received this past week

Chris Scullion

Comments of the Week – ‘Gran Turismo 7 was a grind even before it was nerfed’
This is a blog post, where VGC writers post irreverent and (occasionally) entertaining coverage of video game culture.

We spend all week writing words for you, our dear readers, so it’s only fair that we read the words you write back at us.

Comments of the Week is our new weekly section in which we look at our favourite:

  • Comments posted in our articles
  • Replies to our tweets
  • Messages in the VGC Discord server (join us!)
  • Comments on our YouTube videos

To qualify for Comments of the Week, a comment doesn’t have to necessarily be amusing (though it certainly helps its chances). It can be a good point, an interesting observation or, on occasion, something so ridiculous it has to be called out.

It should go without saying, but if you want to have a chance of being featured in Comments of the Week in the future then be sure to comment on our articles, reply to our tweets, comment on our YouTube videos and join our Discord server. We’ll take it from there.

Here’s what made the cut this week.

Comments of the week

Following microtransaction criticism, Gran Turismo 7’s latest patch makes it harder to earn cars

“The MTX were fair in Sport. 1-5 bucks for a car was acceptable, but even just grinding for credits in Sport wasn’t hateful.

“Not so with 7. The individual cost of many of the cars is now in the HUNDREDS of real-life dollars, and if you choose to only earn credits in-game, expect to have to complete hundreds of races over and over in order to earn enough to buy just ONE of those cars. And that was BEFORE their prize nerfs. Now it’s even worse!

“I’m not even exaggerating, do the math.”

We’ll do the math(s), Mason, but we won’t do the grinding.

Goldeneye’s software trademark has been renewed amidst remaster reports

“This is the 25th anniversary of Goldeneye:007, so it makes perfect sense for a remaster/remake to be released. I LOVE THE GAME!! Just update the graphics and fix the controls for modern consoles (and add Jump too, please). I realize that the issues in real life Russia and the Ukraine maybe viewed as distasteful, but this is a ‘FICTIONAL GAME’. Please make it happen.”

Say what you will about current events SilentXero, but does GoldenEye really need a jump button?

New Starfield developer diary discusses character creation and factions

“‘You feel like you are really living in that world.’ BS, we all know its just a game, how stupid do they think people are.”

To be fair, medicalmechanica, we think it was just a figure of speech.

Konami has updated its Silent Hill trademark in Japan

“‘The Silent Hill trademark covers ‘game software’ and ‘headsets for virtual reality’.

“Silent Hill VR…. excellent news, I’ll get my pre-order in for fresh pants ahead of this releasing.”

They should probably include a pair as a pre-order bonus, Caffeine Rage.

Insiders describe ‘fast and furious’ exits from Xbox’s Perfect Dark studio

“I am looking forward to seeing what they can do with Perfect Dark. The 2010 version was poor, so they need to bring this classic back with the quality it deserves.

“Not sure why a third party developer is taking more of the lead on a first party IP. Seems like it should be the other way round.

Crystal Dynamics develops more third person story driven games, so will be interesting to see what they can do with a FPS. Or maybe is it going third person?”

It’s going to be interesting to see the first gameplay footage, PringleKing88. Surely they won’t ditch the first-person viewpoint? Surely?

Square Enix is seeking fan feedback on how to improve Babylon’s Fall

“It’s hard for me to understand how something can be bungled this badly. If this game has any chance, they need to immediately go F2P and either refund the people who bought the game, or offer them $60 worth of in-game purchases. I am a firm believer that ALL live service games should be F2P, with expansions and cosmetics generating the revenue. Bungie is the shining example of how a live service model should work.”

Was with you until the end there, mrjorsh – after all, Bungie does still charge for Destiny II and its expansions.

Smash Bros.’ Masahiro Sakurai named ‘Most Valuable Creator’ at Famitsu Dengeki awards

“When you have just Apex Legends as the ONLY Western nominee that’s how you know these Awards were specifically tailored just for the Japanese developers while overlooking ALL the talented studios from the rest of the world.

“If any Western Award show would only award those from the West, the internet outcry would be pouring from every corner.”

To be fair, person whose username is just the 🗣🆘 emojis, it’s not like the Oscars pays more than a cursory glance at non-American movies.

EA has shared 20 minutes of Dead Space remake footage

“Need to fix the walking animation. He’s walking like a constipated hunchback.”

Happens to the best of us, DaRc.

Tweets of the week

Oh God, tell us about it. Has anyone ever actually won the car from those roulette things?

There was a remake. We don’t talk about it.

Reader, do you want to tell them, or should we?

You see, what @ravenoises has done here is cleverly made reference to the fact that two of the three Mega Drive / Genesis games added this week were developed by Treasure, and… okay, you’re bored, sorry.

If anyone’s confused by this, it makes sense in context.

Yup, if ever a GIF could perfectly describe our opinion on this game, that would be it.

Other than that though, it’s alright, you mean?

Well, that’s a good place to end it.