Trailer released for Halo co-creator’s Disintegration

Sci-fi FPS set for release in 2020

Private Division has released the first gameplay trailer for Disintegration, the new sci-fi FPS from Halo co-creator Marcus Lehto.

The game, which is being worked on by a team of 30 people at V1 Interactive, centres on piloting hovering, weaponised vehicles called gravcycles (there are multiple class types), while simultaneously commanding up to four AI-controlled ground soldiers.

“The way we’re developing the game is thinking of you as the pilot, the gravcycle as your right hand, and your crew on the ground as your left,” creative director Lehto told Edge, whose latest issue is on sale now.

Disintegration takes place around 150 years in the future when in order to escape the threat of extinction at the hands of a pandemic, many humans have had their brains ‘integrated’ into a robot frame, with the idea being to reverse the process once the virus is no longer a threat.

However, this leads to unrest and a civil war breaks out between integrated humans and the ‘naturals’, with the former winning easily.

Players take on the role of integrated protagonist Romer Shoal, who’s rebelling against the integrated forces, which are now known as the Royonne.

The campaign plays out across the Rocky Mountains, the Arizona desert, the west coast of the US and Iceland.

On the online front, Disintegration’s multiplayer component doesn’t feature a progression system.

Disintegration will be released between April and December 2020 by Take-Two publishing label Private Division. It will launch digitally for $49.99 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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