There are now officially 900 Pokémon in the National Pokédex
The monster series hit a landmark figure following this week’s reveals

There are now 900 different species of Pokémon, following the reveal of two new species this week.
Not counting Mega Evolutions, alternate forms of species (such as the 26 different forms of Unown), Shiny Pokémon or differences in appearance between male and female species, the total of unique species now stands at 900.
When Pokémon Sword and Shield were released on the Switch in 2019, the new species in that game brought the total list up to 890. Since its release, a further eight Pokémon were added through special events and the game’s two expansion packs.
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Pokémon Sword and Shield don’t have a National Dex – which lists all the Pokémon from every region – because not every Pokémon species appears in those games. They do, however, connect to Pokémon Home, a cloud service where players can upload their Pokémon from a variety of games.

Pokémon Home does have a National Dex, which gives the official total number of Pokémon as 898. This will now change in the future, thanks to the Pokémon Presents stream which took place on Wednesday.
During a new trailer for Pokémon Legends: Arceus, two new species were revealed, which evolve from existing species.
Wyrdeer is an evolution of Stantler exclusive to the Hisui region where the game is set, and Basculegion is a fish which evolves from Basculin. Players can ride it to travel across stretches of water.
This brings the total number of individual species to 900, making the concept of ‘Gotta Catch ‘Em All’ that little bit more ambitious.
It’s expected that more species will be revealed as Pokémon Legends: Arceus nears its release on January 28, 2022, meaning the total number is likely to raise even higher.
Pokémon information site Serebii’s webmaster Joe Merrick told VGC that the total number of unique Pokémon, when taking Mega Evolutions and alternate forms into account, currently stands at 1279.