The Outer Worlds review round-up: Obsidian RPG gets top marks

Obsidian’s sci-fi RPG launches on Friday

The Outer Worlds review round-up: Obsidian RPG gets top marks

The Outer Worlds reviews have gone live to ahead of the game’s release this week.

The sci-fi RPG, which won the Game Critics E3 2019 award for Best Original Game, is developed by Obsidian Entertainment and co-directed by original Fallout creators Leonard Boyarsky and long-time partner Tim Cain.

The Outer Worlds launches this Friday, October 25 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, the same day as a new Fallout software collection called Fallout Legacy hits stores, as well as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

It will also be available via Xbox Game Pass for console and PC, while a Switch version is set for release at a later date.

The Outer Worlds review round-up

  • VGC (4/5) – “Fallout similarities are distracting, but get into The Outer Worlds’ narrative meat and a more distinctive adventure emerges.”
  • Eurogamer (no score) – “I don’t hate The Outer Worlds. I guess what I hate about it is that it’s sufficiently unhateful that you can spend 30 hours playing it without noticing. It’s solidly-made enough that you keep hanging around in the hope of something more, like a layer of catchy percussion that never quite escalates into a song.”
  • GameSpot (9/10) – “The Outer Worlds is consistently compelling throughout, and it’s a superb example of how to promote traditional RPG sensibilities in a sharp, modern experience.”
  • Daily Star (4/5) – “Obsidian’s The Outer Worlds feels like a modern-age Fallout title, for better and for worse. Although it’s grown out of much of the buggy, janky feeling that its predecessors were known for, it isn’t nearly as expansive as the classics you might remember.”
  • IGN (8.5/10) – “With The Outer Worlds, Obsidian has found its own path in the space between Bethesda and BioWare‘s RPGs, and it’s a great one.”
  • Destructoid (9/10) – “Despite some nominal issues that might be easier for some to hand-wave than others, Obsidian has out-Fallouted recent Fallout efforts. The Outer Worlds is more limited from a size standpoint compared to a lot of other open world adventures, but it makes up for it in charm and a succinct vision without much bloat.”
  • PCGamesN (7/10) – “Obsidian’s RPG fulfills its potential, but only in fits and starts. Sure, its worst moments are only ever as bad as workmanlike RPG-making, but they make the stretches between some instances of genuine greatness a little more disappointing.”
  • ShackNews (9/10) – “It’s a fine game under any circumstances, but it’s a top-notch RPG with heavy consequences at almost every turn for those that are willing to immerse themselves. The Outer Worlds doesn’t tell you a story, it gives you a world full of interesting characters and asks you to tell your own.”
  • EGM (5/5) – “The Outer Worlds is an impressive spiritual successor to Obsidian’s work on Fallout: New Vegas, mixing familiar design elements and the same zany attitude with an imaginative new universe and even deeper role-playing.”
  • DualShockers (9.5/10) – “This game rewards player choice and experimentation on a level I have not seen since The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and it manages to do so in both gameplay and story. With the best writing of any game thus far in 2019, any fan of RPGs needs to play The Outer Worlds.”
  • TheSitxhAxis (8/10) – “The Outer Worlds is the game that fans have wanted Obsidian Entertainment to make for the better part of a decade. The story is the main attraction here, with Obsidian’s witty writing coming to the fore in an interesting and funny interstellar setting. If that’s what you look for in your RPGs, The Outer Worlds will not disappoint.”
  • Windows Central (4.5/5) – “The Outer Worlds is an utterly tremendous achievement that showcases the best of Obsidian’s writing wit, world-building detail, and character focus.”
  • PC Gamer (79/100) – “There’s a category of games I think of as Saturday morning cartoon games. They lack depth, but they are fluffy and easy to enjoy. As I look back on some screenshots as Pippin laser blasts a poor marauder into a pile of dust, I realise that’s what The Outer Worlds is to me.”
  • Kotaku (no score) – “This is the Obsidian game that people have been begging for: one with polish.”
  • Metro (9/10) – “A deep, funny, and intricately designed RPG reminiscent of the golden age of Fallout, when conversations mattered and comedy-grade cynicism came fitted as standard.”
  • Push Square (9/10) – “The Outer Worlds is a role-playing triumph. With its sights set squarely on player choice, Obsidian delivers a brilliantly crafted sci-fi adventure that’s packed with witty writing, great characters, and a fantastic degree of freedom.”
  • Game Informer (9.25/10) – “The team at Obsidian excels at encouraging creative experimentation within its responsive and absurd setting, ensuring that every visit to Halcyon is full of delightful surprises.”

You can pre-order the PC version of The Outer Worlds from publisher Private Division and the Epic Games store, and the Xbox One and PS4 editions of the title from Amazon, Best Buy and Game, among other retailers.

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