The original version of Age of Empires 3 has been pulled from digital stores

The Definitive Edition remaster will still be available

The original version of Age of Empires 3 has been pulled from digital stores

The original version of Age of Empires 3 has been removed from sale, with the multiplayer mode set to be taken offline at the end of the month.

A message posted on the Steam page for the game’s Definitive Edition remaster states that the original version is no longer available to buy.

The game’s online multiplayer mode will also stop working from October 30, “due to the technology no longer being supported”.

Players who already own the game will still be able to play campaign and skirmish content, with only the multiplayer mode being removed.

Age of Empires 3, developed by Ensemble Studios, was originally released on PC in 2005.

A remaster called Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition was released in 2020. Developed by Tantalus Media and Forgotten Empires, the remaster offered improved graphics, a new soundtrack, new game modes and new civilisations.

The Definitive Edition of the game will continue to be availble to purchase on Steam and the Windows Store, and is available on PC Game Pass too.

Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition and Age of Empires 4 were released on Xbox consoles last year, but Age of Empires 3 is yet to arrive on console in any form.

In VGC’s Age of Empires 4 review, we wrote: “Age of Empires 4 is a really good RTS that plays it safe in the shadow of its famous predecessor, but rarely stands out on its own beyond that.

“The early game has never felt smoother, and the changes to UI and animation are welcome. While the win conditions aren’t endless, the stories of how you achieved them, or failed miserably trying, are.”

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