The Elder Scrolls: Blades coming to Switch
Free-to-play mobile game making its way to Nintendo’s system this fall
Bethesda has confirmed that The Elder Scrolls: Blades will be released on Switch this fall.
Originally released on mobile devices, Blades will also be free-to-play when it arrives on Switch.
The Switch version of Blades will feature cross-play and cross-progression too.
This means players can play the mobile version now and move over to the Switch version when it launches.
The publisher also confirmed a new update for the mobile version, which includes solo arena battles, a dragon questline and a custom jewellery system.
An arena mode with PvP battles will launch this fall.
The Elder Scrolls: Blades released on Android and iOS on March 27, 2019. Within its first week it had been downloaded over a million times on iOS devices.