The Division 2 expansion ‘returns to New York’

Warlords of New York expansion looks set for live stream reveal

Ubisoft will unveil a new The Division 2 expansion later today, which looks set to return to the original game’s New York setting.

According to an Xbox API listing captured by Reddit, The Warlords of New York “narrative expansion” will feature a new open world in New York, a level cap increase to 40, revamped progression system and new exotics, gear and skills.

The description suggests the expansion will include three-month seasons and release starting March 3.

“New York is under threat,” the Xbox listing reads. “Aaron Keener, a former Division Agent turned rogue, has taken control of Lower Manhattan, backed by four devoted and highly skilled lieutenants.

The Division 2 expansion ‘returns to New York’
Division 2 expansion images pulled from the Xbox API.

“Trained by The Division but disavowing its ideals, they are now the highest authority in town and the most formidable force the Agents have ever faced.”

The story description matches a slogan teased by creator Ubisoft on Monday: “The hunt starts soon.”

Ubisoft will officially unveil the next Division 2 expansion via its social media channels at 11am PST / 7pm GMT today. We’ve embedded the YouTube stream at the top of this page so you’ll be able to watch it live here.

Last year Ubisoft revealed that Netflix has signed the rights to the upcoming The Division movie. Starring Jessica Chastain and Jake Gyllenhaal, it will be directed by David Leitch (John Wick, Atomic Blonde, Deadpool 2).

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