We've got a little, fluffy surprise headed your way on Tuesday! #MultiVersus pic.twitter.com/83CVuUs0p2
— MultiVersus (@multiversus) September 1, 2022
Gizmo from Gremlins is coming to MultiVersus next week
Stripe had been previously confirmed, but Gizmo is now coming first

MultiVersus will be getting at least one Gremlins character next week.
A new teaser video posted on the game’s official Twitter account says: “We’ve got a little, fluffy surprise headed your way on Tuesday”.
The video then shows the box from the movie Gremlins which containted Gizmo, the Mogwai that kicks off the movie’s chain of events.
Gizmo’s hand then comes out of the box and the video ends.
MultiVersus developer Player First Games has now confirmed that Gizmo will be coming on Tuesday, with Stripe to follow at a later date.
It has already been known since the game’s first season launched that Stripe, the main antagonist from Gremlins, will be added to the cast at some point between now and the season ending in November.
However, Gizmo had never been officially confirmed, only listed in a previous leak.
Speculation among the MultiVersus fan base was that Gizmo may be an alternative skin for Stripe, in the same way that Uncle Shagworthy is an alternative skin for Shaggy and is essentially a different character with new voice acting.
However, in the past 30 minutes (at the time of writing) game director Tony Huynh has just tweeted that “Gizmo and Stripe are two separate characters”, not only disproving that theory but also seemingly officially confirming Gizmo for the first time.
When asked by a follower if they were considered “echo fighters” with similar movesets, Huynh replied: “No, completely different characters.”
It’s not yet clear if both Gizmo and Stripe will be added on Tuesday, or whether developer Player First Games plans to do what it’s done with Rick and Morty and separated them into two different releases.
If it’s the latter, the teaser trailer suggests that Gizmo is likely to be the first character to be added.
Rick from Rick & Morty and DC antihero Black Adam have also been previously announced as upcoming characters planned for Season 1, although it’s unclear when they’ll be added to the game.
A datamine of a recent update also uncovered voice lines for Beetlejuice and the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz, suggesting they may be added during Season 1 as well.
MultiVersus is currently in its first main season, and developer Player First Games has already confirmed that the game will be getting a ‘Classic Arcade mode’ and a ‘new Ranked mode’ at some point during the course of the season, which ends in November.
Publisher Warner Bros Games stated last month that MultiVersus surpassed 20 million players in its first month.
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