Steam makes it easier to buy and manage soundtracks
You no longer need to own the base game to purchase the music

Valve has introduced new Steam features making it easier for users to buy and manage game soundtracks.
First and foremost, you can now buy a soundtrack without having to first purchase and download the base game.
Users can now browse and manage soundtracks directly from the new Steam library and configure a Steam music directory housing all soundtrack content.
While soundtracks were previously categorised as DLC, a new Steam soundtrack app type means developers can now sell soundtracks even when the base game isn’t available on Steam, and they can upload and manage soundtrack content entirely through the partner site.
In terms of new functionality, Valve says soundtracks can now support multiple quality levels, and they can now include associated content like album art and liner notes.
Valve has created a new tool that can automate the conversion of existing Steam soundtrack content set up as DLC to the new app type.
The company recently revealed the best-selling and most-played Steam games of 2019.
As part of its Best of 2019 round-up, Valve listed the top 100 selling titles measured by gross revenue and the most played games based on their highest peak simultaneous players.