Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order’s lightsaber arrives at Disney parks, is immediately being scalped

Cal Kestis’ lightsaber hilt is already selling for inflated prices on eBay

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order’s lightsaber arrives at Disney parks, is immediately being scalped

A new replica lightsaber from Respawn Entertainment’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is now on sale at Disney parks, but the rare item is already being sold at an inflated price on auction sites.

The lightsaber hilt, which is a replica of that belonging to hero Cal Kestis in the game, was released in Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge parks in Disneyland and Walt Disney World on March 25, 2022, after winning a fan poll held two years earlier.

Now, eager fans looking to get their hands on the lightsaber for the first time are being forced to pay around double the retail price as the replicas have begun appearing on Ebay.

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At the time of writing, the lightsaber, which costs $159.99 at the parks, has started appearing on Ebay at inflated prices.

Of the listings currently on the site, prices range from $266 (from a seller who has three of them listed), up to $449.

The cheapest Buy it Now price is $289, which would be nearly double the retail price when local shipping is taken into account (and likely substantially more if shipped overseas, thanks to import charges).

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order’s lightsaber arrives at Disney parks, is immediately being scalped
With shipping and import fees included, a UK fan looking to buy a Cal Kestis lightsaber from the cheapest eBay seller would have to pay $418.97, as opposed to $160 at a Disney park.

While it’s not uncommon for rare or limited items in Disney parks to appear on eBay, a factor that may have added to the popularity of Cal’s lightsaber is that it’s the first time a replica of the blade has been produced.

In 2020, fans voted on which lightsaber they’d like to see added to the park’s selection, and from the list which included the weapons of Anakin Skywalker, Kanan Jarrus, Qui-Gon Jinn, Cal Kestis, Ezra Bridger and Lord Corvax, Cal’s lightsaber won, but it took Disney over 500 days from the conclusion of the vote for the lightsaber to be added to the park.

A Lego set based on Jedi Fallen Order may also be coming soon, according to an internal list of upcoming Lego products that was shared online..

In January, EA officially announced a sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, along with two new projects in development at new teams within the Respawn hierarchy.

Commenting on EA’s relationship with Lucasfilm during its third-quarter earnings call last February, CEO Andrew Wilson said the company would continue to invest in Star Wars games new and old.

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