PlayStation survey suggests Remote Play could come to Nintendo Switch
Plus ‘slim’ DualShock controller for portable play mentioned

A Sony survey has hinted at possible upcoming features for Remote Play, including the ability to stream PlayStation games to Nintendo Switch.
The survey, spotted and captured on Reddit, asks participants if they’d like to see Remote Play come to Nintendo Switch, AppleTV or AndroidTV in the future.
It also mentions a potential “slim/portable” DualShock controller designed for portable gaming
Remote Play allows PS4 owners to stream games to other devices including PCs, smartphones and PS Vita handhelds.
The survey by itself does not represent any commitment on Sony’s part to implement the features. However, with Xbox already releasing content on Switch it wouldn’t be surprising to see PlayStation follow suit.
Former Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios chairman, Shawn Layden said last year that the company may consider releasing first-party games on non-PlayStation platforms in a bid to reach a bigger audience.

The platform holder has recently allowed its published PlayStation titles to release on PC starting with Detroit and Death Stranding, and reportedly Horizon: Zero Dawn will follow.
Nintendo and Xbox have been actively collaborating over the past year, including the release of former Xbox One exclusives Cuphead and Ori and the Blind Forest for Nintendo Switch.
Xbox already publishes Minecraft on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4.
Microsoft also sanctioned the inclusion of Banjo-Kazooie in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which was released in September.
Xbox Game Studios head Matt Booty recently said the platform holder would determine if it makes sense to put its games on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch on a case-by-case basis.
A recent NPD survey claimed that around 40% of US Nintendo Switch owners also own a PlayStation 4 and/or an Xbox One, which could indicate that many users consider the platform “supplemental” to PlayStation and Xbox.