Sony secures ‘PS6, PS7 and PS8’ trademarks
PlayStation firm secures terms for future platforms

Sony Interactive Entertainment has filed trademarks for “PS6,” PS7,” “PS8,” “PS9,” and “PS10” in Japan.
Gematsu reports that trademark security is a regular occurrence for Sony, and the move is almost certainly to secure the terms for future PlayStation platforms.
The platform holder recently confirmed it intends to call its next-generation console PlayStation 5.
PlayStation is the only console using a numerical sequence with its console names, after rival Xbox opted for Xbox 360 and Xbox One, likely to avoid comparisons with PS3 and PS4.
This month Sony positioned PS5 as the “world’s fastest console” in a job advert.
The advert in question is likely referencing the console’s internal SSD, which PS5 lead system architect Mark Cerny called “a true game changer” in April.
More than any other feature, Mark Cerny believes the SSD is “the key to the next generation”.

Sony has used PS4 exclusive Spider-Man to demonstrate how PS5’s SSD will dramatically reduce loading times and improve gameplay experiences, with the in-game camera able to fast travel through the city without pausing for asset loading on next-gen hardware.
What takes eight seconds to load on PS4 Pro takes less than one second on PS5.
Sony recently announced a holiday 2020 launch date for PlayStation 5 and went into detail on the PS5 controller, which is set to feature haptic feedback, “adaptive” triggers and more.
Microsoft announced in June that it’s next generation Xbox, Project Scarlett, will launch holiday 2020 alongside Halo Infinite. Scarlett will also feature an SSD.