Smash Bros. DLC work has been affected by coronavirus, Sakurai reveals
Director suggests releases could be delayed

Work on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s DLC has been affected by the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, director Masahiro Sakurai has revealed.
Writing in his latest Famitsu column, the designer said he recently had to delay a presentation to Nintendo on DLC development due to concerns around the virus.
Even if Nintendo is able to continue its marketing efforts for future character reveals, it’s likely development will be slowed by the outbreak, Sakurai wrote.
The game director and his team are currently working on Ultimate’s second DLC character roster.
Fighters Pass 2 was announced in January and contains six new DLC characters – one more than the first Pass – set to be released before the end of 2020.
In January, Sakurai revealed that the identities of the next six Smash Bros. DLC fighters have already been decided. However, as usual the characters will be kept secret until closer to release.

“I’m personally very sorry that we have to release Fighters Pass Volume 2 when the details have yet to be revealed,” Sakurai said in a live stream presentation. “Like last time I’d be very grateful if despite that you would understand why and purchase it.”
Reflecting on the first five DLC fighters, Sakurai said his intention was to offer new styles of play with each addition.
“Since the roster was already so large to begin with, right from the start we intended to make the most out of the new gameplay mechanics,” he said.
“When we add a new fighter, we don’t simply make their attacks or movements a little different. Instead we try to offer you a whole new style of play.”
Sakurai previously said he feels there’s “no way” the series will be able to have as many fighters or series represented again in future games.