Saints Row: The Third Remastered is currently free on the Epic Games Store

Promotion coincides with the announcement of a series reboot

Saints Row: The Third Remastered is currently free on the Epic Games Store

Saints Row: The Third Remastered is currently being given away free on the Epic Games Store.

The 2011 release, which normally costs £34.99 on Epic’s marketplace, is currently free to download until September 2 at 8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm BST.

The promotion was launched to coincide with publisher Deep Silver’s announcement of a Saints Row series reboot during Gamescom Opening Night Live on Wednesday.

Simply titled Saints Row, the fifth game in the series will be released on Xbox Series X/S, PS5, Xbox One, PS4 and the Epic Game Store on February 25, 2022.

It sees players join a group of criminals named the Saints, who are trying to make it as a new crime syndicate in a south-western American region called Santo Ileso.

As in most previous Saints Row games, there are also three rival gangs in the region, each with their own different style and characteristics: Los Panteros, The Idols and Marshall Defense Technologies.

Ahead of the title’s CGI trailer reveal, VGC was shown some actual footage of the game in action, which you can read about in our Saints Row first look preview.

“The signs are promising, not least because developer Volition has consciously decided to take the series back to its roots and dial back on the escalating levels of silliness it was becoming notorious for”, Chris Scullion wrote.

Playtonic‘s platformer Yooka-Laylee and strategy shooter Void Bastards are currently free to download from the Epic Games Store until 8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm BST today.

At that time, resource management puzzler Automachef will join Saints Row: The Third Remastered as a free download, and the following week’s free Epic Games Store title/s will be revealed.

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