Rockstar ‘future platform’ projects emerge in Ruffian job ads

Crackdown developer seeking individuals with “multiplayer action game” experience

Rockstar ‘future platform’ projects emerge in Ruffian job ads

Scottish studio Ruffian Games is working on multiple games alongside Grand Theft Auto developer Rockstar.

That’s according to new job listings advertised by the studio, which are seeking individuals with “generalised experience in multiplayer action games developed for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and future platforms.”

Ruffian has recently completed work porting Halo Reach to Xbox One and PC with 343 Industries.

The Dundee developer is best known for 2010’s Crackdown 2, as well as supplementary work on Kinect Star Wars, Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Crackdown 3: Wrecking Zone.

Rockstar recently announced Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC and Stadia. However, with its release date set for November 5, it’s unlikely the company would be hiring for this title.

Sources recently told VGC that Rockstar New England had shelved development of Bully 2, however it’s possible work on the sequel could have restarted elsewhere.

In June, Rockstar’s parent company Take-Two said it expects new entries in its major franchises to be released more frequently in the future.

Red Dead Redemption 2 arrived over eight years after the original game released and there haven’t been new Grand Theft Auto or BioShock games since 2013.

Under CEO Strauss Zelnick‘s watch, Take-Two will continue “resting titles” and operating a “fewer, bigger, better strategy” as opposed to annualising its franchises, he said, but the executive told “I think eight years is probably too long”.

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