Rainbow Six Siege ‘will run at up to 4K/120fps’ on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S
Next-gen console version will release this year

Ubisoft will release its popular competitive shooter Rainbow Six Siege for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S later this year.
During its Ubisoft Forward event on Thursday, the publisher said it would deliver “the best Siege experience” on console, with gameplay running up to 4K resolution at 120fps.
To run PS5 and Xbox Series X games at 120fps, newer televisions featuring HDMI 2.1 will be required.
Current-gen console players will receive the next-gen versions as a free update, Ubisoft said, and players will keep their progression and in-game content. The game will be a cross-generation title, meaning next-gen players will be able to play with current-gen players on the same family of devices.
“We’re in this for the long run and we have plans for years to come,” said creative director Leroy Athanassoff.
Siege’s latest season, Operation Shadow Legacy is live today, featuring Splinter Cell protagonist Sam Fisher.
Ubisoft said in May that Rainbow Six Siege had 60 million registered players (up from 50 million in September 2019).
The company previously said it intended to release Rainbow Six Siege for PS5 and Xbox Series X when the next-gen consoles launch this holiday season, according to game director Leroy Athanassoff, who also said the development team at Ubisoft Montréal wants the title to go free-to-play one day.