Quantic Dream’s PS4 tech demo is reportedly coming to PS5 as ‘Dreamland’
The ‘interactive story’ game is said to be written by David Cage

An insider who has proven to have knowledge of the development plans of French developer Quantic Dream has revealed new details about its next title.
Twitter user @accngt, who has recently released internal Quantic Dream materials early, such as tweeting a screenshot from Star Wars Eclipse before it was announced, posted an update on the game to their account.
Said to be based on the PS4 tech demo The Dark Sorcerer, the game, which is understood to be codenamed “Dreamland” is said to be based on “Interactive storytelling” and is being written by David Cage.
The game is also said to be “cross-gen” however @accngt speculates that this could change.
The Dark Sorcerer tech demo was first revealed at E3 2013, months before the release of the PlayStation 4.
In the 12 minute clip, a wizard is seen casting dark magic, before it is revealed that the whole thing is taking place on a film set, and the demo devolves into a comedic sketch. Quantic Dream’s Detroit: Become Human also began life as a tech demo titled ‘Kara’.
Quantic Dream is also working on Star Wars Eclipse. In December, it was confirmed that Eclipse is set in the High Republic era. The game was announced during The Game Awards.
“Star Wars Eclipse is the first video game to be set in an uncharted region of the Outer Rim during The High Republic era, known as the golden age of the Jedi,” Quantic Dream said.
“The game will build upon Quantic Dream’s expertise in delivering deeply branching narratives and will go beyond their already established acclaim. Player’s choices will be at the heart of the experience, as every decision can have a dramatic impact on the course of the story.”
The first trailer shows off impressive visuals including footage of Yoda and the planet of Naboo.
Earlier this year Lucasfilm signalled that its Star Wars exclusivity deal with EA was over—or at least coming to an end—by partnering with Ubisoft on a new open-world game.