PS5 Final Fantasy VII Remake owners can’t claim Intergrade on PS Plus

Players with the standard version can’t get the DLC as part of their subscription

PS5 Final Fantasy VII Remake owners can’t claim Intergrade on PS Plus

A quirk in the PlayStation Store means that PS5 players who already own Final Fantasy VII Remake can’t claim the Intergrade bundle, which has been newly added to PS Plus Extra.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade consists of the PlayStation 5 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake and the new episode Intermission, which is a spin-off story featuring Yuffie as the main playable character.

However, if a player already owns a copy of Final Fantasy VII Remake on PS5, the PlayStation Store doesn’t allow them to purchase the Intergrade bundle.

Now that Intergrade has been added to the PlayStation Plus Extra catalogue, it also means that PS5 owners of Final Fantasy VII Remake can’t claim it and access the Intermission content as part of their subscription.

Instead, they’re given an error that tells them the Intergrade bundle clashes with their existing version of Final Fantasy VII Remake.

“You can’t buy this product for the following reasons,” the error message reads. “You already own the following products, which conflict with the product you’re trying to buy: Final Fantasy VII Remake.”

This has actually been the case for a while – players who upgraded the PS4 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake to the the PS5 version have never been able to then buy Intergrade.

There would have previously been no reason to do so, however, because the Intermission DLC is available to buy separately for £15.99 / $19.99. As such, players simply had to upgrade the base PS4 version to the base PS5 one and buy Intermission to have all the content.

PS5 Final Fantasy VII Remake owners can’t claim Intergrade on PS Plus
PS5 FFVII Remake owners are met with this message when trying to claim Intergrade on PS Plus

Now that Intergrade is ‘free’ as part of a PlayStation Plus Extra subscription, however, the dynamic has changed, because now base PS5 version owners have to buy Intermission while everyone else gets to play it without paying extra.

It seems that the best solution for this is for Sony and Square Enix to find a way to also include the Intermission DLC as part of the PlayStation Plus Extra library, thereby allowing PS5 owners to download it for the full package.

Until then, it appears that owners of the base PS5 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake have no way to claim Intergrade via PlayStation Plus Extra and access the Intermission DLC, and instead have to pay £15.99 / $19.99 for it.

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