Pokemon Home is giving two extremely rare shiny Pokemon to players who complete Pokédexes

Enarmous has never been shiny before, and getting a shiny Manaphy is incredibly difficult

Pokemon Home is giving two extremely rare shiny Pokemon to players who complete Pokédexes

Pokémon Home is giving away two extremely rare Pokémon to players who complete their Pokédexes in specific games.

By playing the Pokémon Home app, players can unlock a shiny Enamorus (for the first time) and a shiny Manaphy (which has previously been extremely difficult to get).

Players can get the shiny Manaphy by completing the Sinnoh Dex in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, at which point they’ll be given the shiny Manaphy in Pokemon Home.

The shiny Enamorous, meanwhile, will be given to players who can complete the Hisui Pokedex in Pokémon Legends: Arecus.

Shiny Pokemon are versions of Pokemon that feature different colour schemes to their usual appearance. Typically, shiny Pokemon can be found in the wild, but with legendary and mythical Pokemon like Enamorus and Manaphy, these Pokemon are typically coded to never appear in their shiny form in the main series of games.

This marks the first time that Enamorus has been made available in its shiny form. While Manaphy has been available in its shiny form beforehand, it was only available via an incredibly difficult set of circumstances.

Previously, players needed to acquire Manaphy via the Pokemon Ranger spin-off series. Even then, players could only obtain one Manaphy per game, which then had to be traded to the main series, then hatched. Then, if a player’s Manaphy wasn’t shiny, they’d have to reset Pokemon Ranger and play it up until the point it could trade the egg, and try again.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
Pokémon Legends Arceus (Nintendo Switch)
Nintendo Switch (OLED Model) - Neon Blue/Neon Red
Nintendo Switch (OLED Model) - White
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