Platinum launches Wonderful 101 Kickstarter for Switch, PC and PS4
Kickstarter rewards include getting blocked by Kamiya on Twitter

PlatinumGames will bring The Wonderful 101 to modern consoles with a new Kickstarter campaign.
The Japanese developer opened the crowdfunding project in a surprise launch on Monday, with the aim of bringing the 2013 Wii U action-adventure game to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC.
The campaign even features a reward tier that will see backers blocked by creator Hideki Kamiya on Twitter (the designer is well known for his strict social media policies).
With a modest initial goal of around $50,000 [UPDATE: this goal was reached in 20 minutes], The Wonderful 101 Remastered will feature a number of changes for modern platforms, according to the game’s Kickstarter page, and new DLC will be released if the campaign reaches its stretch goals.
UPDATE 2: Wonderful 101’s Kickstarter has already beaten Wii U’s first week sales in Japan.
VGC published an extensive The Wonderful 101 Remastered interview on Monday.

The Wonderful 101 Remastered is aiming for an April 2020 release.
The Wonderful 101 will mark Platinum’s first attempt at self-publishing, it said in its Kickstarter video, which is why the studio has decided to adopt a crowdfunding model.
“That’s right. We’ve been listening,” director Kamiya said. “But in order to bring The Wonderful 101 back, we need your help. That’s why we’re coming to Kickstarter.
“This will be PlatinumGames’ first attempt at self-publishing,” he added. “We’re developers first, no publishers, so this creates a lot of challenges for us.“That’s why we need your help in order to bring The Wonderful 101 to modern platforms. With enough help, we might even be able to add additional content to the game.”