Platinum Games assures fans Babylon’s Fall development ‘going swimmingly’
Studio head says publisher behind lack of info

Platinum Games has moved to explain the silence surrounding its Square Enix title, Babylon’s Fall, telling VGC that it’s “up to the publisher” when the game will be fully unveiled.
The title, described as “a new challenge” for Platinum Games, was revealed via a teaser trailer in June 2018 and hasn’t been seen since.
At the time, it was announced for release on PS4 and PC via Steam in 2019.
Asked for an update on Babylon’s Fall development, Platinum studio head Atsushi Inaba told VGC at E3 that it’s up to Square Enix when more details on the project will be revealed. He did not say if it was still due out in 2019.
“When it comes to the timing of new information being revealed, that’s the publisher’s responsibility,” he said. “It’s going to be up to them.
“The only thing that we can say when people ask is no, it’s not been cancelled. The production is going swimmingly.
“We’re just doing what we’re supposed to do and it’s going to be up to the publisher when they’re going to release the next information on the game.”
So far little is known about Babylon’s Fall, other than the suggestion of a fantasy setting and four lead characters seen in the game’s key art.
In December 2018, Square Enix producer Yosuke Saito said he hoped to reveal more details about Babylon’s Fall in 2019.
Another Platinum title, Bayonetta 3, was also absent from E3 2019. Inaba told VGC that Bayonetta 3 development is “going well”.