(FYI) In an Interview at #XboxTGS, Phil Spencer was asked what IP he would like to see revived
— Alan Feely (@IdleSloth84_) September 23, 2023
"I always wanted us to go back and revisit MechAssault MechWarrior space, I think there's a lot we can do. There's so much about that whole franchise that in some way was ahead of its… pic.twitter.com/qTVWIR0ogM
Phil Spencer says he’d love to revisit MechAssault
The original MechAssault title was a pioneer on Xbox Live

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has said that he would love to revisit the MechAssault franchise.
When asked during an interview at the Tokyo Game Show what Microsoft-published franchise he would like to see revived, Spencer replied: “I always wanted us to go back and revisit MechAssault MechWarrior space, I think there’s a lot we can do.
“There’s so much about that whole franchise that in some way was ahead of its time, and it would be nice to get to go back and revisit.”
MechAssault was released in 2002 for the original Xbox. It was notable for being one of the first games to support Xbox Live online multiplayer.
The game was developed by Day 1 Studios, which would later go on to be rebranded as Wargaming Chicago-Baltimore, where it currently works on the World of Tanks franchise.
Spencer then joked: “We don’t have a plan today, so it’s not a leak of anything… speaking of leaks,” referring to the huge leak that took place earlier this week.
Earlier this week, addressing widespread coverage of the confidential materials, Spencer claimed “so much has changed” since the emails and documents in question were written or created.
“We’ve seen the conversation around old emails and documents,” he tweeted. “It is hard to see our team’s work shared in this way because so much has changed and there’s so much to be excited about right now, and in the future. We will share the real plans when we are ready.”