Patreon Unlock: The Rise and Fall of Dreamcast
Check out one of our monthly Patreon exclusive retro podcasts.

To celebrate the end of the year, we’ve unlocked one of our Patreon exclusive retrospective podcasts.
This episode is part of our monthly retro podcast, CVG: Chatting Vintage Games. Join to unlock more retrospectives on Tony Hawk, the PS1, and Horror Games (featuring Ash Millman), with more coming each month in 2025 and beyond.
In September, to mark the 25th anniversary of the Dreamcast, VGC’s Chris Scullion and Andy Robinson sat down with RapidEyeMovers CEO Jörg Tittel to chat about the legacy of Sega‘s final console.
The group chatted about the games that made the console so iconic, some of the troubles it faced in its final years, and some members of VGC’s Patreon community shared their thoughts.
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