Squid Research Lab here with a meaty discovery—this is rare imagery of a new multiplayer stage: Mincemeat Metalworks! The facility was made FROM scrap metal in order to make MORE scrap metal. Also, there was a sea here that evaporated. Surely unrelated to heavy industry! pic.twitter.com/Z5RTmLMml4
— Splatoon North America (@SplatoonNA) July 4, 2022
Nintendo has revealed new Splatoon 3 multiplayer map Mincemeat Metalworks
The Switch sequel will be released in September

Nintendo has revealed a new Splatoon 3 multiplayer map.
The new stage, which is titled Mincemeat Metalworks, is briefly shown off in the tweet below.
“The facility was made FROM scrap metal in order to make MORE scrap metal,” it reads. “Also, there was a sea here that evaporated. Surely unrelated to heavy industry!”
Last month Nintendo also revealed another of the game’s new maps, Undertow Spillway, which is set in an abandoned former flood bypass.
The trailer below, which was released in April, features over three minutes of footage of Splatoon 3‘s online 4-v-4 Turf War battles.
The online mode includes a mix of new and returning stages, where teams are challenged to cover the most ground in their ink.
The video shows another of the game’s new stages, Eeltail Alley, and a new weapon called the Stringer, which is a bow that shoots ink sideways and vertically.
Nintendo recently confirmed a Splatoon 3 release date of September 9, 2022.
In April it also added Splatoon 2’s Octo Expansion DLC to Switch Online’s Expansion Pack membership tier.
The publisher’s next release in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. The Switch RPG sequel is set to arrive on July 29.
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