New Xbox Game Pass titles for console, PC and Cloud have been announced

July’s upcoming games include As Dusk Falls, Watch Dogs 2, MotoGP 22 and Inside

New Xbox Game Pass titles for console, PC and Cloud have been announced

Microsoft has confirmed the next wave of titles heading to Xbox Game Pass for console, PC and Xbox Cloud Gaming.

As Dusk Falls (Cloud, Console, and PC) and Watch Dogs 2 (Cloud, Console, and PC) join the service on July 19.

They will be followed by MotoGP 22 (Cloud, Console, and PC), Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (PC) and Torment: Tides of Numenera (Cloud and Console) on July 21, and Inside (Cloud, Console, and PC) on July 29.

Titles added to Xbox Game Pass already in July include Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza Kiwami 2, Last Call BBS, DJMax Respect V, Matchpoint: Tennis Championships, Road 96, Escape Academy, My Friend Peppa Pig, Overwhelm, Paw Patrol the Movie and PowerWash Simulator.

The following tiles will be leaving Xbox Game Pass on July 31: Dodgeball Academia (Cloud, Console, and PC), Katamari Damacy Reroll (Cloud, Console, and PC), Lumines Remastered (Cloud, Console, and PC), Omno (Cloud, Console, and PC) and Raji: An Ancient Epic (Cloud, Console, and PC).

Microsoft has also added touch controls to 12 more cloud-enabled games available to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members.

The latest games to support touch controls are Citizen Sleeper, Disc Room, Escape Academy, Garden Story, Little Witch in the Woods (Game Preview), Lost In Random, Spacelines from the Far Out, Umurangi Generation, Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza Kiwami 2 and As Dusk Falls.

New Xbox Game Pass titles for console, PC and Cloud have been announced

Microsoft confirmed this month that Xbox Games with Gold will no longer include Xbox 360 titles beginning in October 2022.

“We’re always looking at ways to evolve the Xbox experience based on community engagement, feedback and shifting company priorities,” a Microsoft spokesperson told VGC.

“We have reached the limit of our ability to bring new games to the catalog from the past due to licensing and technical constraints. We will continue to focus on providing Xbox One titles through the Games with Gold program.”

July Xbox Live Games with Gold titles include Beasts of Maravilla Island, Relicta, and Xbox 360 games Thrillville: Off the Rails and Torchlight.

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