New Xbox Game Pass titles for console include The Outer Worlds and Subnautica

Plus Minit, Lego Star Wars III and more

New Xbox Game Pass titles for console include The Outer Worlds and Subnautica

Microsoft has dated the next wave of titles coming to Xbox Game Pass for console.

Lonely Mountains: Downhill and Secret Neighbor join the subscription service today, ahead of Minit on Thursday and The Outer Worlds on Friday.

Afterparty will be added to Game Pass for console on October 29, Lego Star Wars III on October 31, and Subnautica on November 7.

Further details about the upcoming Game Pass titles for Xbox One can be found on Xbox Wire, which also includes a round-up of upcoming game updates and events.

New Xbox Game Pass titles for console include The Outer Worlds and Subnautica

Game Pass for console titles released earlier this month include Dishonored 2, World War Z, Fallout: New Vegas, Yooka-Laylee and Panzer Dragoon Orta.

October’s new Game Pass for PC titles include The Outer Worlds, Minit, Stellaris, Saints Row IV: Re-Elected, F1 2018, State of Mind, and Lonely Mountains Downhill.

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate launched in June, combining Xbox Live Gold membership with Xbox Game Pass for console and PC.

October’s Xbox Live Games with Gold titles are Tembo the Badass Elephant, Friday the 13th: The Game, Disney Bolt and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge.

VGC’s 4/5 star The Outer Worlds review said the game’s “Fallout similarities are distracting, but get into The Outer Worlds’ narrative meat and a more distinctive adventure emerges.”

See what other critics though of the game in our The Outer Worlds review round-up.

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