New Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl videos show key characters

Japanese ads point to latest clips

New Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl videos show key characters

New Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl footage has been published, showcasing some of the Switch remakes’ characters.

The footage – which was uploaded by PokéXperto – is sourced from a series of adverts currently placed in Japanese train stations, which feature QR codes pointing to various videos.

The ads show characters from the two games including Professor Rowan, Champion Cynthia and three of Team Galactic’s four commanders Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

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Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl were officially announced in February and are remakes of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, which were released on the Nintendo DS in 2006.

The new remakes will be released on Switch on November 19.

One of the new additions is a section called the Grand Underground, which is located under Sinnoh. This appears to be an enhanced version of the Underground section from the original DS version of Diamond and Pearl.

Other new features include the ability to collect stickers and apply them to Pokéballs (which triggers special effects when a player calls a Pokémon into battle), and the ability to customise a trainer with outfits.

Players can also choose a partner Pokémon to accompany them, as in Pokémon Yellow and the Pokémon Let’s Go games.

It was recently revealed that a Nintendo Switch Lite special edition Pokémon system will be released. The Switch Lite Dialga & Palkia Edition will launch later this week on November 5.

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