New Nintendo Switch game uses a toilet roll as a controller
No Paper! is available to download now from the Japanese eShop

A Nintendo Switch game has been released that requires players to use a roll of toilet paper to play.
As reported by Polygon, No Paper! Is a Japan-only puzzle-platformer title which was released on the Nintendo eShop this week.
Developed by SKT, the game requires players to use a Joy-Con controller placed inside of a toilet roll, which is then balanced on a sheet of cardboard and used to roll the in-game toilet roll through platform mazes using motion sensing.
The game features a narrative in which a Japanese salaryman discovers he’s run out of toilet paper. Players are therefore tasked with delivering the troubled worker with the much-needed sheets.
Although the game is not yet released in the West, users can still download it by making a Japanese user profile. You can read VGC’s guide to how to buy Switch eShop games from different regions for more.
Despite the many thousands of games already available on the eShop, there are hundreds more that are only available in Japan.
Some of these will come to the North American and European eShops at a later date, but many will remain exclusive to that region.
Luckily, thanks to the Switch’s region-free policy there’s a way around this that lets players log onto eShops from different regions and buy games from there instead.