MultiVersus’ season 2 battle pass takes twice as much XP to complete as season 1
The game’s second season kicked off earlier this week

MultiVersus season 2’s battle pass takes twice as much XP to complete as the game’s first battle pass, it’s been reported.
According to Multiversus Twitter account LaisulMV, the game’s first battle pass took 47,650 XP to finish, however, season 2’s takes 87,450 XP.
How long this will actually take will vary based on the challenges that are released into the game as the season progresses, however as of now, earning the same amount of XP that would have finished the first Battle Pass will take players to roughly level 42.
The Battle Pass contains four unlockable skins – one is free when completing Tier 50 (Baker Street Tom & Jerry), and the others are unlocked with the paid Premium Battle Pass (Astronaut Velma at Tier 1, Tea Time Reindog at Tier 42 and Maestro Bugs Bunny at Tier 50).
Multiversus season 2 kicked off earlier this week. It added an in-game store, a big head mode, and several changes to popular characters. Marvin the Martian and a Game of Thrones stage have been confirmed for Season 2 of the game.
Although Marvian the Martian is the only character confirmed for Season 2 to date, there will be more to follow, as Player First Games describes him as “one of the new characters who will be joining the MultiVersus roster in Season 2″.
While Rick and Morty were confirmed when Season 1 originally launched, they were later followed by other characters who hadn’t been announced at the same time, including Gizmo and Stripe from Gremlins, and DC antihero Black Adam.