MultiVersus launch trailer reveals Jason Voorhees and Agent Smith as playable characters

The Friday the 13th and Matrix villains bring the returning fighting game’s new character count to four

MultiVersus launch trailer reveals Jason Voorhees and Agent Smith as playable characters

A new trailer for MultiVersus has been released, revealing two new playable fighters.

The launch trailer is a new cinematic sequence which shows most of the fighters from the game’s previous release fighting against each other.

At the end of the trailer, the Joker – one of the game’s new fighters – is seen sitting on the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones as all the game’s heroes approach him.

“I usually work alone,” the Joker says, “but for you I’ll make an exception.” As he says this, Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th and Agent Smith from The Matrix materialise next to him.

It appears that at least four more characters start to materialise before the trailer ends, potentially suggesting more villains are set to be added throughout the first season of the re-released MultiVersus.

Over the weekend it was also confirmed that a Banana Guard from Adventure Time would be added as a playable fighter, bringing the total number of confirmed new characters to four so far.

According to Warner Bros Games, Jason will be available at launch, while Agent Smith will be released later in the season.

MultiVersus, which launched as an open beta in July 2022, is a Smash Bros-style crossover fighting game featuring characters from a variety of Warner Bros. properties, including DC Comics, Looney Tunes, Cartoon Network, Game of Thrones, Tom & Jerry, Gremlins, Rick & Morty and The Iron Giant.

The game was initially very popular, with a peak of more than 143,000 players on Steam on day one, rising to 153,433 the following day. A month after its launch, Warner claimed that over 20 million players had already downloaded and played the game.

After this, however, the daily peak player count fell dramatically, and by February 2023 it had dipped below 1,000 for the first time, marking a drop in daily peak player count of 99.4% in less than seven months.

MultiVersus will officially return on May 28, running on Unreal Engine 5, offering new gameplay features and starting again with a new Season 1.

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