Modern Warfare’s Gunfight mode to add 1v1 and 3v3 matches

“At some point,” says multiplayer co-design director

Modern Warfare’s Gunfight mode to add 1v1 and 3v3 matches

Infinity Ward intends to expand Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Gunfight mode by adding 1v1 and 3v3 matches.

Gunfight currently features 2v2 “multi-round cage matches” in which players have the same loadout, which switches every two rounds.

Rounds last for 40 seconds, followed by a capture the flag-based overtime period if one or more players from each team are still alive when the time expires.

Infinity Ward multiplayer co-design director Joe Cecot confirmed plans to offer different sized Gunfight matches in a Twitter exchange, although it’s not clear when this might be.

Activision has said Modern Warfare will see “the biggest free content drop in Call of Duty history” when Season One of its DLC pipeline starts rolling out on all platforms on December 3.

Season One will see the release of three new multiplayer maps (Crash, Vacant and Shipment), at least three new Gunfight maps (Cargo, Atrium and “more”), a new Ground War map, three new multiplayer modes (Reinforce, Gunfight OSP and Infected), new Special Ops “experiences” and new weapons.

Activision recently confirmed that the first Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Battle Pass will also launch in December.

Modern Warfare’s Season One Battle Pass will reportedly consist of 104 content tiers, 81 of which require players to purchase a premium pass.

Activision previously said Modern Warfare Battle Passes will include free and premium streams, with players able to see all the content they are earning or buying.

A recent Modern Warfare patch, which is detailed below, enabled up to four-player parties in Gun Game and fixed an issue which resulted in players joining Free For All matches late in the game, among other features.

Modern Warfare patch details


  • Allowing up to 4-player parties in Gun Game
  • Moving FFA to the Filter menu
  • Fixing join in progress for FFA to prevent finding late-progress matches
  • Turning off spawn cameras for Headquarters and Hardpoint


  • Removed infils for both teams when loading into Piccadilly, Search and Destroy
  • Fix for a bug where the thermal optic on the PP19 Bizon would appear white while ADS
  • Fix for the E.O.D. perk not allowing players to hack claymores in FFA
  • Fix for various boosting and out of bounds exploits
  • Fix for laser sights becoming misaligned on the P90 and MP5
  • Special Operations: Minor adjustment to difficulty
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