Modern Warfare and Warzone fix will target ‘inactive Battle Pass’ XP bug

Updated: In the meantime, progression is “still working as intended”, double XP also reactivated

Modern Warfare and Warzone fix will target ‘inactive Battle Pass’ XP bug

Infinity Ward is working on a fix for a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone XP bug which is making Battle Passes appear inactive for some players.

As reported on Monday, some players have complained of being unable to level up their Battle Passes in recent days, with the issue seemingly arising following the release of the games’ most recent major update on April 28.

“We’re currently working on a fix for the Battle Pass appearing inactive for some players,” Infinity Ward said on Monday night. “Battle Pass progression and rewards are still working as intended. We’ll provide another update once we’ve resolved the issue.”

Update, May 10: Activision claims to have resolved a Modern Warfare and Warzone bug which was making Battle Passes appear inactive.

Original story continues: Progression is unified across Modern Warfare and the free-to-play Warzone, which share the same Battle Pass. You don’t have to own Modern Warfare to play Warzone or purchase the Battle Pass, which costs 1,000 COD Points (about $10/£8.50) and has 100 tiers of content for players to unlock.

In March, just prior to Warzone’s release, Infinity Ward said it had resolved an issue where XP wasn’t being awarded after Modern Warfare matches.

The latest progression issues overlapped with a double XP weekend for Modern Warfare and Warzone, which included double XP, double weapon XP, and double Battle Pass tiers.

Update, May 5: While it continues to work on fixes for several issues, Infinity Ward has activated double XP in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone until May 8. It’s latest playlist update also disables helicopters in Battle Royale.

Modern Warfare and Warzone fix will target ‘inactive Battle Pass’ XP bug
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone share the same Battle Pass

Original story continues: Several other problems have also emerged following the release of April 28’s 15GB update. On May 2, Activision released a Modern Warfare and Warzone update targeting connection issues and long matchmaking times, but these have persisted and the publisher said on Monday it’s “still looking into the issue”.

It’s also working on a fix for voice chat issues preventing some players from communicating online.

“The team is aware of the chat issue and working to get it resolved!” Activision said over the weekend. “Please just hang in there for now and stay tuned to future patch notes for updates.”

Details of known issues, patch notes and playlist updates can be found on developer Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare Trello board.

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