Modern Warfare Season One DLC trailer released
“Biggest drop of free content in Call of Duty history” rolling out from Tuesday
Activision has released a trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Season One content.
The publisher previously said Modern Warfare Season One will deliver “the biggest free content drop in Call of Duty history.”
It will include the release of new multiplayer maps including Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare’s Crash, Vacant and Shipment, plus new Gunfight maps, a new Ground War map, three new multiplayer modes (Reinforce, Gunfight OSP and Infected), new Special Ops “experiences” and new weapons.
[Update December 3: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 1 has launched alongside the game’s first Battle Pass.]
Content will begin rolling out on all platforms on December 3.
Activision recently confirmed that the first Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Battle Pass will also launch in December.
Modern Warfare’s Season One Battle Pass will reportedly consist of 104 content tiers, 81 of which require players to purchase a premium pass.
Activision previously said Modern Warfare Battle Passes will include free and premium streams, with players able to see all the content they are earning or buying.
Details of an unconfirmed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Battle Royale mode recently appeared online, suggesting it will be a free addition which supports 200 players and introduces a new twist on player respawns.