Modern Warfare 3 launch patch notes detail campaign fixes and multiplayer updates

“A consistent stream of content updates, bug fixes, and gameplay adjustments” is planned

Modern Warfare 3 launch patch notes detail campaign fixes and multiplayer updates

Sledgehammer Games has released the launch day patch notes for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

Republished in full below, they primarily cover various changes made to the game’s multiplayer component since last month’s beta tests.

The update also fixes a number of campaign gameplay bugs, stability and performance issues.

Modern Warfare 3 was officially released today for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC.

The game is a direct sequel to last year’s Modern Warfare 2. Development is being led by Sledgehammer, in collaboration with Infinity Ward, while Treyarch is in charge of its Zombies mode.

According to a new report, Modern Warfare 3 and some of its creators suffered from a rushed development cycle that saw its campaign made in about 16 months.

Over a dozen developers told Bloomberg that the project started life as an expansion to last year’s Modern Warfare 2 before Activision decided to transform it into a full-blown sequel, claims which the publisher has denied.

“Sold as a pre-order bonus and given about as much thought, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3‘s single player offering is a short, shallow waste of time that feels less like a video game and more like a contractual obligation,” according to VGC’s review.

Alongside the release of the game’s first patch notes, Sledgehammer said: “Today’s launch is only the beginning, and we look forward to providing a consistent stream of content updates, bug fixes, and gameplay adjustments in the year ahead.”

Modern Warfare 3 launch patch notes detail campaign fixes and multiplayer updates

Modern Warfare 3 launch patch notes


  • Offline play will no longer be prevented after first setting up an Activision account.
  • Save data integrity has been reviewed and checkpoint loading errors have been solved.
  • Fixed multiple UI-related crashes that occurred while navigating menus.
  • Resolved several crash bugs when loading into some missions.
  • Fixed an issue in which some players experienced an excessive load time after the opening title splash.
  • Fixed several graphical bugs that resulted in hitching after a melee kill.
  • Fixed a graphical bug that resulted in assets loading in low quality.
  • Resolved a bug that resulted in low audio, audio skipping, and missing dialogue in some cutscenes.
  • Addressed areas in multiple maps in which players could use vehicles and helicopters to access out of map locations.
  • Enemies should no longer stay in cover more often or longer than intended.
  • Fixed a bug in which certain command inputs unintentionally reset loadout selection.
  • Players can now toggle the Optic for the silenced M4 and the Cronen Squall.
  • Fixed a bug in which players became immune to damage from Gas and Equipment.
  • Fixed a bug in which Supply Boxes will not open on first attempt.
  • Fixed a bug in which weapons were missing from orange Supply Boxes.
  • Fixed enemy clipping through objects in the environment on death or in combat.
  • Fixed warning message for areas where the player could only crouch.


  • Visual Changes
    • Added a stroke to player nameplates to improve visibility.
    • Adjusted font and contrast of the score event text on the HUD to be less obstructive.
  • New Features
    • Added a HUD element that displays the player’s current streak after each kill.
    • Match event popups now feature the respective player’s equipped Calling Card.
    • Skillful player achievements, such as Kingslayer, Collateral, etc., will now display a Medal splash on the player’s HUD.
    • Tac-Stance toggle state is now indicated by a widget in the lower-right area of the HUD, replacing the previous prompt while aiming down sights.
    • Match Stats are now available during gameplay via a new tab in the Scoreboard, allowing the player to compare current performance to their career average.
    • Detailed Statistics are now viewable while choosing an Attachment in the Gunsmith.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Players will no longer be unexpectedly prompted to choose a Loadout after earning multiple rewards.
  • Added spawn anchors to many maps in order to influence the flow of combat in the direction of each map’s intended design.
  • In Team Deathmatch, team-owned areas are now more favored by spawn selection and resistant to enemy pressure.
  • In Domination, spawn selection is now more resistant to enemy pressure on flags, improving consistency by favoring owned flags.
  • Estate
    • Added frontline logic to prevent unintentionally frequent spawn flips.
  • Favela
    • Decreased the priority of spawn points near the Shacks and Construction Site.
  • Highrise
    • Decreased the priority of spawn points in the Actibase and Phonic Tunnels.
  • Adjusted footstep volume to further distinguish enemy and friendly players.
  • Added an option to double-tap the aim down sights button to activate Tac-Stance.
  • Refreshed Default Loadout options with a widened range of content.
  • Movement
    • Sprint input while sliding will now cancel the slide animation.
    • Decreased aim down sights time penalty while jumping by 20%.
  • Settings
    • Added an option to double-tap the aim down sights button to activate Tac-Stance.
    • Added new options to Slide/Dive Behavior.
      • Tap to slide, disables the dive.
      • Tap to dive, disables the slide.
  • SVA 545 (Assault Rifle)
    • Increased bullet velocity by 19%.
    • Increased rate of fire from 632 RPM to 682 RPM (+8%).
    • Increased lower-torso damage multiplier from 1x to 1.1x.
    • Decreased recoil to veer less to the right.
  • MTZ-556 (Assault Rifle)
    • Increased bullet velocity by 18%.
    • Increased maximum damage range from 23m to 27m (+17%).
  • MCW (Assault Rifle)
    • Increased bullet velocity by 18%.
    • Increased recoil during sustained fire.
    • Decreased minimum damage from 24 to 21 (-13%).
  • Striker (Submachine Gun)
    • Decreased maximum damage from 42 to 36 (-14%).
    • Decreased near-medium damage from 33 to 27 (-18%).
    • Decreased fear-medium damage from 27 to 25 (-7%).
    • Decreased minimum damage from 21 to 20 (-5%).
    • Decreased aim down sights time from 250ms to 240ms (-4%).
  • Holger 26 (Light Machine Gun)
    • Increased bullet velocity by 13%.
  • Pulemyot 762 (Light Machine Gun)
    • Increased bullet velocity by 16%.
    • Decreased maximum damage from 47 to 45 (-4%).
    • JAK Annihilator Bullpup Kit (Conversion Kit)
      • Increased bullet velocity by 29%.
      • Decreased rate of fire from 666 RPM to 571 RPM (-14%).
  • MTZ Interceptor (Marksman Rifle)
    • Increased bullet velocity by 15%.
    • Increased hipfire spread during sustained fire.
    • Decreased aim down sights time from 330ms to 265ms (-20%).
  • MCW 6.8 (Marksman Rifle)
    • Increased bullet velocity by 12%.
    • Increased hipfire spread during sustained fire.
    • Decreased aim down sights time from 260ms to 245ms (-6%).
  • Longbow (Sniper Rifle)
    • Increased bullet velocity by 13%.
    • Swapped full-auto crosshair for expected semi-auto crosshair.
    • Increased flinch when shot by an enemy player to align with other Sniper Rifles.
    • Increased hipfire spread while moving and during sustained fire.
  • KV Inhibitor (Sniper Rifle)
    • Increased bullet velocity by 5%.
    • Increased hipfire spread while moving.
    • Increased flinch when shot by an enemy player by 18%.
  • WSP Stinger (Handgun)
    • Swapped semi-auto crosshair for expected full-auto crosshair.
    • Decreased maximum damage from 25 to 24 (-4%).
    • Decreased maximum damage from 27 to 25 (-7%).
    • Decreased maximum damage range from 12m to 6m (-50%).
    • Decreased upper-torso damage multiplier from 1.1x to 1x.
    • Decreased hipfire spread during sustained fire.
  • Renetti (Handgun)
    • Swapped semi-auto crosshair for expected burst-fire crosshair.
    • Slightly increased recoil during sustained fire.
    • Decreased minimum damage.
    • JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit (Conversion Kit)
      • Swapped semi-auto crosshair for expected full-auto crosshair.
      • Increased aim down sight time 200ms.
      • Increased sprint to fire time from 80ms to 100ms (+25%).
  • COR-45 (Handgun)
    • Decreased maximum damage range from 9m to 6m (-33%).
    • Decreased near-medium damage range from 20m to 10m (-50%).
  • High Velocity (Ammunition)
    • Decreased bullet velocity multiplier from 1.2x to 1.15x.
    • Decreased Sniper Rifle bullet velocity multiplier from 1.3x to 1.17x.
  • Low Grain Rounds (Ammunition)
    • Decreased damage range penalty.
    • Decreased bullet velocity penalty.
    • Decreased recoil control advantage.
  • High Grain Rounds (Ammunition)
    • Decreased recoil control penalty.
    • Decreased bullet velocity advantage.
    • Decreased damage range advantage.
  • Optics (Attachment)
    • Decreased aim down sights time penalty across multiple Optic types.
      • Dots & Holographics: 30ms to 0ms (-100%).
      • 2.5x: 70ms to 15ms (-79%).
      • 4x & Hybrids: 40ms to 20ms (-50%).
      • Scopes: 100ms to 50ms (-50%).
  • Muzzles (Attachment)
    • Slightly increased aim down sight penalty for Flash Hider, Compensator, and Muzzle Break types.
  • Demolition Vest
    • Battle Rage (Tactical) will now only restock up to 1 use.
  • Tactical Pads (Boots)
    • Increased slide velocity, replacing the slide distance advantage.
      • Note: Perk description will reflect this change in a future update.
  • Tac Mask (Gear)
    • Added immunity to Flash Grandes (Tactical) thrown by the player’s self.
  • Trophy System
    • Mosquito Drone (Killstreak) will no longer be targeted and destroyed.
  • Med Box
    • Updated description to better reflect functionality.
      • Deploy a box of medical supplies for you and your teammates to reduce healing delay.
  • Enemy Killstreak activations will now invoke announcer voicelines as expected.
  • Guardian-SC
    • Decreased volume of Guardian-SC’s owned by teammates.
    • Increased environmental audio occlusion.
    • Addressed an issue that caused a player’s HUD to disappear until respawn after being stunned.
  • Counter UAV
    • Players within interior areas will no longer receive a “Not enough space to call in” error upon activation.
  • Juggernaut Recon
    • Decreased magazine capacity from 20 rounds to 8 rounds (-60%).
  • NSTV
    • Increased traction to improve handling on slippery surfaces.
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