Marvel’s Avengers’ next DLC hero is Kate Bishop
Character to arrive ahead of Hawkeye in October

Square Enix has unveiled another Marvel’s Avengers DLC hero, Kate Bishop.
In its latest War Table live stream on Tuesday, the publisher confirmed that Kate’s Operation, “Taking AIM,” will start in late October featuring a new villain and new mystery.
Kate Bishop will be the first new Hero introduced to Marvel’s Avengers after its launch on September 4, ahead of the previously revealed Hawkeye, who is due to release in November.
“These new post-launch Heroes will be made available to all Marvel’s Avengers owners at no additional cost and will continue to move the entire narrative world forward,” Square Enix said.
“More information about the Hawkeye Story Arc, as well as additional post-launch content will be available soon.”
Kate Bishop was previously mentioned in a datamine of the Avengers beta files, which also suggested that characters such as Ant-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange would be added to the game via future updates.
Last week Square Enix detailed plans to offer a $10 Battle Pass—called a Hero Challenge Card—for each post-launch hero.
In addition to today’s Bishop announcement, so far only two other post-release additions have been confirmed: Hawkeye and the PlayStation-exclusive Spider-Man.
In an interview with various media outlets last month, Avengers’ creative director Shaun Escayg said that the game’s post-release character DLC would “extend to all of the 80-year-history of Marvel.”
“The process of choosing these characters is ‘Can we ground them in this world? Can we make a real argument to Marvel that this character belongs here, this character will move our story forward or take us into new stories?’,” he said.
Escayg also claimed that each DLC character would likely have their own story arc.
“That is the plan,” he added. “It will depend on how deep we go. But no character can be introduced without a story.
“That’s part of the Marvel rule, so we have to have it introduced with a story arc, understand what that character is going through, potentially what villain is creating sort of that conflict.”
Marvel’s Avengers is set to release on September 4 for current-gen consoles and PC. Avengers is also set to launch on next-generation consoles later this year and owners of the current-gen version will be able to upgrade at no additional cost.