‘I won’t disappoint you’: Kamiya thanks fans for support after quitting Platinum

“I’ll keep making games, and do my best”

‘I won’t disappoint you’: Kamiya thanks fans for support after quitting Platinum

Bayonetta and Wonderful 101 director Hideki Kamiya has thanked fans for their support following his decision to leave PlatinumGames.

The company’s vice president and co-founder announced on Monday that he will be leaving Platinum next month, and that he made the decision after “a lot of consideration based on my own beliefs”.

Now he’s taken to Twitter to thank people for the messages of support he’s received, and assure them he will continue making games wherever he ends up next.

“I thought I’d be bullied more because of my usual behaviour, but I’m so touched by all the words of support I’ve received,” Kamiya wrote. “Thank you so much.”

He added: “I’m not worried about my future at all. As long as I have your support, I’ll keep making games, and I’ll do my best not to disappoint you.

“When I decided to quit, many of my old and young colleagues and staff were sad to see me go, and some even shed tears for someone like me.

“I realised once again that I was only able to be who I am because of the support of the people around me. I will continue to be grateful for the help of others.”

Perhaps hinting at the reason for his departure, Kamiya then added: “I will continue to believe in the spirit of creation that I have always believed in through my career at Capcom No 4 Development, Clover Studio and Platinum, no matter what anyone says.

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to continue to make games that live up to that belief – I don’t have a formula for success, but I’m committed to aiming for it.”

Kamiya co-founded PlatinumGames in 2006, but his career began at Capcom where he was best known for directing Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry and, at its spin-off Clover studio, Okami and Viewtiful Joe.

The designer has served as the most senior creative force at Platinum, where he oversaw its franchises such as Bayonetta and Astral Chain. For the past few years he was working on Project GG, a superhero project, as its director. It’s not yet clear what will happen to the title.

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