Here’s what’s coming to VGC’s Patreon in 2025
VGC’s Patreon is the best way to directly support the site

VGC’s Patreon offering is evolving in 2025 to reflect the excellent support we’ve received so far. is the best way to support the site and gain access to more podcasts, videos, and exclusive content that offers a behind-the-scenes look at the world of games. Not only that, but every week, patrons receive a roundup of weekly gaming news via an exclusive VGC Newsletter.
We’ve posted over 60 pieces of exclusive content since launch in July 2024, but we’re now planning to evolve our offering to deliver more of what our early supporters have enjoyed most. Here’s how we’re evolving our Patreon offering in 2025.
VGC Patreon Schedule 2025
Here’s what’s not changing:
- CVG: Our retro games podcast is staying exactly as it is. The first episode of 2025 will be all about the Nintendo GameCube and will be released this month.
- Off-Topic: We need to let our hair (or lack thereof) down now and again, so Off-Topic will remain exactly as it is now. The first episode of 2025 will be released this week.
- We 3 Watch E3: Our E3 watchalongs continue. We’ve barely scratched the surface! The next episode coming at the end of January.
Here’s what’s coming:
- More vlogs (Insider): We’ve already got several trips booked, and longer vlogs are going to be a key part of that. Will they all feature as big a sandwich as large as the one in the TGA vlog? We can only hope.
- Acceptable in the 90s (Insider): You loved us watching GamesMaster and Bad Influence, so who are we to say no? GamesMaster and Bad Influence watch-alongs are coming! We’ll kick these off in late January.
- Middler vs Scullion (Supporter): We’re destined to do this forever. MVS returns in late January.
- VGC site commenting (all tiers): As our community grows, commenting privileges on VGC website articles will soon be exclusive to Patreon members.
One thing that won’t be returning in its current form is the monthly Q&A pod. Instead, we’ll be incorporating this into our other podcasts as a longer section.
We love answering questions from the listeners, so much so that we found that we were doing it on virtually every show, thus making a Q&A show feel like just a longer section of a normal podcast, rather than something unique.
Thanks again for all of your support.
Here’s to a huge 2025!