We know many of you want even larger changes and we're committed to doing so, but those will take time. We made this update based on data and player feedback, and we'll monitor its impact after we push it live tomorrow morning. As always, keep sharing your feedback! 👊
— John Junyszek (@Unyshek) November 30, 2021
Halo Infinite will give more XP for players’ first six multiplayer games each day
Starting on Wednesday, players will get XP quicker for simply playing the game.

Halo Infinite’s online multiplayer continues to see tweaks to its progression system, with changes being made to the amount of XP players get per multiplayer game.
343 Industries community manager John Junyszek explained on Twitter today that the development team was continuing to listen to player feedback and change the way XP is earned as a result of this.
“When we made our initial change to progression, which added Daily ‘Play 1 Game’ Challenges, updated Weekly Challenges, and doubled the duration of 2XP Boosts, we promised that we’d monitor the data and make additional changes if needed,” Junyszek said. “Now, it’s time to follow up on that.”
“After seeing how XP was earned with those changes, we noticed that players were starting their sessions with slower payouts than we’d like. To address this, we will be increasing the XP payout for the first 6 matches of each day.”
Players will now get more XP for the first six games they play every day, with the amount of XP slowly decreasing until the seventh game, at which point it will remain at 50XP per game.
The first game will earn players 300XP, followed by 200XP for games 2 and 3, then 100XP for games 4, 5 and 6.
“We believe this increase will help address those slower initial payouts while also benefiting those of you jumping on each and every day,” Junyszek said.
“We know many of you want even larger changes and we’re committed to doing so, but those will take time. We made this update based on data and player feedback, and we’ll monitor its impact after we push it live tomorrow morning.”
The head of design on Halo Infinite said earlier this week that he “feels everyone’s pain” when it comes to progression in Halo Infinite’s free-to-play online multiplayer.
Jerry Hook stated on Twitter that the situation remains the top priority for the development team, and promised that when it would return from holiday this week the first thing it would do was tweak the XP progression system.
The game’s free-to-play multiplayer component was launched in beta form on November 15 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Xbox, rather than on its previously planned release date of December 8, which is when Halo Infinite’s campaign will arrive.
However, after its launch some players started to raise issue with the game’s Battle Pass, which is used to unlock new items in the game.
According to some players, it takes too long to level up the Battle Pass, mainly because the XP earned to upgrade it can only be acquired through specific challenges.
Rather than simply gaining XP naturally by playing the game, players have to make sure they accomplish certain tasks (like getting kills with specific weapons or playing specific modes) to earn XP.
343 Industries then stated a few days after launch that it would be making changes to the Battle Pass structure.

Halo Infinite Season 1, which is titled ‘Heroes of Reach’, features free and premium tracks offering over 100 unlockable items including armour pieces, weapon charms, visors, coatings, emblems and armour FX.
Coinciding with the early multiplayer launch, Halo Infinite head of creative Joseph Staten revealed that the Season 1 Battle Pass had been extended to May 2022, a change from 343’s original goal of shipping a new season every three months.
Microsoft previously confirmed that Halo Infinite’s battle passes won’t expire, meaning that in future seasons, players can purchase old battle passes as well as the current one and choose which pass to put their progression towards.