Free Call of Duty Modern Warfare multiplayer weekend announced
Online game can be accessed through free-to-play title Warzone

Activision has announced a free Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer weekend.
It offers access to a limited portion of Modern Warfare’s multiplayer component, which is accessible through free-to-play game Call of Duty Warzone.
From the Warzone lobby, players will be able to join the ‘Stocked Up, Locked Down’ playlist, which features two of Modern Warfare’s original maps, Atlas Superstore (10v10) and Shoot House (6v6).
Available game modes include Team Deathmatch, Domination and Hardpoint, Activision says.
The free multiplayer weekend runs for 72 hours starting at 10am PDT / 6pm UK on Friday, April 3, and coincides with a double XP weekend.
Modern Warfare and Warzone progression is unified across the titles, which share the same Battle Pass and item shop.
Update: Activision has announced a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone Season 3 release date of April 8.

Original story continues: Activision released Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered on Tuesday. It said the game doesn’t include an online component because it wants to focus on building “one unified online multiplayer playground” with 2019’s Modern Warfare, which already includes several updated versions of Modern Warfare 2 maps.
“Rather than release a separate, multiplayer experience as a standalone pack, Activision and Infinity Ward are looking to bring more classic map experiences to new life within the Modern Warfare universe as it continues to grow and build over time,” it said.