Flight Simulator’s fourth world update will be France and Benelux
Teaser trailer for the delayed UK and Ireland world update also released

Microsoft Flight Simulator’s fourth world update will focus on France, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Head of Flight Simulator Jorg Neumann confirmed the plan during a livestream this week.
“It’s planned for the end of March,” he said. “I think it’s going to be great. We’re already hard at work on it.”
Microsoft and developer Asobo are also still working to launch the game’s third, delayed world update. Focusing on the UK and Ireland, the update was originally scheduled to launch on January 26.
“There’s some more work to be done so it’s going to be a few more days”, Neumann said, explaining that work is still ongoing on London, one of the five English cities featured in the update (the others are Birmingham, Oxford, Cambridge and Bristol).
The team considered whether it could launch the update without London but decided “it would be kind of unforgivable”, he said.
The release “might be next week but we don’t know exactly the date yet, so just sit tight, but people are crunching on this honestly to get it up and running”, Neumann added.
To tide fans over, Microsoft released a teaser of the full UK and Ireland trailer, which you watch via the timestamped video below.
Neumann said previously that Microsoft is planning to deliver world updates “every two to three months on a rolling basis”.
The game’s first world update launched in September 2020. Focused on Japan, it featured an upgraded digital elevation map, high-resolution 3D photogrammetry for six Japanese cities, and six handcrafted local airports.
Its second world update focused on the United States. Released last November, it included four new handcrafted airports, improvements to 48 more airports, plus 50 new points of interest.