First Play: Watch us play Shadow of the Road, a turn-based strategy game set in feudal Japan
The game’s Open Alpha is available to download now
In the latest of our First Play videos, we take a look at Shadow of the Road.
The Open Alpha for this turn-based strategy game has just launched, but we were given an advanced look at it for the purposes of this video.
The game is described as “a story-driven, turn-based RPG where feudal Japan meets magic and machine”, and has players controlling a pair of rōnin and other fighters as they take on other warriors, ninja, yokai and steampunk creations.
There are two versions of our First Play video – a standard YouTube version (which you can either see at the top of this article or on our YouTube channel), and one for our Patreon subscribers.
The standard YouTube version is 28 minutes long and shows us playing through the game’s tutorial and taking part in the first battle, where one poor soul loses his head
Patreon subscribers on any paid tier can gain access to a longer 48-minute, ad-free version of the video, in which we check out the game’s open-world section and get involved in a second, deadlier fight.
“Set in feudal Japan amidst a fierce rivalry between the Tokugawa Shogunate and Emperor Mutsuhito, Shadow of the Road immerses players in a world that combines tradition and modernity, Japanese mythology, and steampunk technology,” the game’s description reads.
“Leading a diverse group of adventurers through a dynamic, enchanting realm where decisions shape destiny, players must master different characters’ various abilities to turn the tides of the war.”
The Open Alpha for Shadow of the Road is available to play now on PC via Steam.