Final Fantasy 14 on Xbox gets its own currency for microtransactions and subscriptions
FFXIV Coins will be used when the game properly launches this week

The Xbox Series X/S version of Final Fantasy 14 will introduce an Xbox-only currency this week.
An open beta for the game started in late February, and was aimed solely at newcomers playing the game for the first time, meaning players with an existing Final Fantasy 14 account on another platform have had to wait for the game’s full Xbox launch.
It has since been confirmed that this full launch will take place on March 21, at which point players with existing Final Fantasy 14 accounts on other platforms will be able to log into the Xbox Series X/S version and continue their progress there.
However, as revealed on the game’s official website, the Xbox version will include its own currency called FFXIV Coins, which players will have to buy with real money to make purchases on the Final Fantasy 14 Online Store and the Mog Station.
The Online Store is used for buying various items for use in the game, such as costumes, mounts, emotes, weapons, minions and furniture.
The Mog Station, meanwhile, is used to upgrade to the full version of the game, add game time to the player’s subscription and buying other services.
According to Square Enix, players who only play the Xbox Series X/S version of the game will have to buy FFXIV Coins and use these on the Online Store and Mog Station. Players who use their account on multiple platforms, however, can make purchases on the website using real money as usual and they will be carried over to the Xbox version.
The new currency will likely have been added to allow Microsoft to take a percentage from microtransactions and subscriptions, but only for players exclusively playing the game on Xbox consoles.
One positive to come from the addition of FFXIV Coins is that, in theory, players who use Microsoft Rewards should be able to use their rewards points to buy Xbox funds and pay for their FFXIV Coins (and therefore their subscription) that way.
The Series X version of the game supports 4K graphics, while both the Series X and Series S versions benefit from fast loading times.
The Expanded Free Trial, which is available on PC and PlayStation consoles, is also available on Xbox. This lets players play through the entirety of the base game A Realm Reborn, as well as its first two expansions Heavensward and Stormblood, up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime.
Once players reach level 70, they’ll then have to pay a monthly fee to continue playing the game.