Everywhere’s first gameplay demo shows a large action stage created by a single player

The latest project by GTA producer Leslie Benzies will have its first alpha test next week

Everywhere’s first gameplay demo shows a large action stage created by a single player

Build a Rocket Boy has publicly demonstrated Everywhere gameplay for the first time.

As part of a Community Corner stream on the official Everywhere Twitch channel, the game’s community team was joined by assistant game director Adam Whiting and QA analyst Nadia Tolmay to show the game in action.

It was also announced that the game’s first closed alpha will take place on December 5.

The video shows off a stage that was previously demonstrated to VGC when we visited the studio in March.

The stage shows a player infiltrating a water processing plant, taking out enemies and carrying out various tasks such as draining water, connecting pipes and escaping in a car.

During the stream, it was explained that the stage was created by a single person, and that all of the objects in the stage were also crafted.

It was estimated that a stage of its size could be roughly laid out in a few hours, and could take around 10 days to fully create.

Everywhere is the first game by Build a Rocket Boy, the new Edinburgh-based studio led by former Grand Theft Auto producer Leslie Benzies.

The game allows players to build and share their own creations, and will also be a platform for other projects.

The first of these is MindsEye, a realistic AAA action game that looks similar to modern Grand Theft Auto games.

“We believe in a future where game creation is put in the hands of players,” Benzies said in a statement in September. “With Everywhere, we aim to empower anyone to innovate, take risks and build their own worlds, shaped purely by their imagination.

“We are providing the tools, inspiration and infrastructure and are excited to see how our community will foster the next generation of developers to help grow the Everywhere story.”

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