EA has described FIFA 23’s new gameplay features in more detail

Every new addition has been broken down, from machine learning to free kicks

EA has described FIFA 23’s new gameplay features in more detail

EA has published a detailed breakdown of the new gameplay features coming to FIFA 23.

The official FIFA 23 Pitch Notes blog has posted a ‘Deep Dive’ article explaining all the additions and tweaks made to the on-the-pitch action.

Most prominent of these is the game’s ‘HyperMotion 2’ tech, which builds on the machine learning HyperMotion animation technique introduced in FIFA 22.

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According to EA, the new iteration of HyperMotion was put together using motion capture data from “two full high-intensity football matches with professional teams, including the complete motion capture of a women’s match”.

As with last year’s edition, the decision to capture proper matches instead of standalone kicks and movements leads to what EA says are more realistic animations with players showing a more believable degree of exertion.

Other new features detailed in the Deep Dive include the following:

  • Women’s football
    • New movements, including “three unique sets of movement archetypes based on height variance”
    • New signature run styles for certain players, including Sam Kerr
    • Hundreds of new women-exclusive animations
  • Technical dribbling
    • A new dribbling system that uses the Active Touch system to “calculate a player’s path to the ball more intelligently”
  • ‘ML-Jockey’, a new type of jockeying that uses machine learning
    • The jockeying player can now turn at an angle to improve their defensive coverage
    • Players jockeying in the box now put their hands behind their back to avoid handballs
  • A new player acceleration system called AcceleRATE
    • Players with similar speeds can move differently across the pitch depending on how they accelerate
    • Players fall into three categories:
      • Controlled – accelerating in a normal manner (will apply to most players)
      • Explosive – shorter, more agile players, who have a quick burst of acceleration then slow down
      • Lengthy – taller players who need more distance to get going but can eventually catch up and pass anyone
  • Power shots
    • By pressing L1 and R1 while shooting, players pull off a powerful shot that needs a lot of time to wind up (similar to eFootball‘s ‘stunning shots’)
  • Redesigned set pieces
    • Free kicks have been changed to let you choose the right stick to determine where the player kicks the ball, affecting curl and elevation
    • Players can make a defender lie down behind the wall to defend against low free kicks
    • Penalties are now based on timing, with a ‘Composure Ring’ determining your accuracy and power

EA announced last week that FIFA 23 will be released on September 30, 2022 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Stadia, PS4 and Xbox One.

FIFA 23 Legacy Edition, which will be released on the same date for Switch, won’t offer any of the new gameplay features or modes included in other editions of the game.

FIFA 23 - Legacy Edition (Switch)
Wild Hearts (Xbox Series X/S)
Dead Space (PS5)
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