Coral coloured Switch Lite announced for Japan
Update: New colour handheld coming to the US too

Nintendo will launch a coral coloured Switch Lite in Japan on March 20.
Excluding special editions like the Pokémon Zacian and Zamazenta Switch Lite, the handheld has been available in three colours since launch: yellow, grey and turquoise.
Like the launch models, the coral version will be priced at 19,980 yen excluding tax. Reservations for the system can be placed from March 7.
Update: Nintendo of America will also launch the coral Switch Lite on April 3, with a suggested retail price of $199.99. VGC has asked Nintendo if it also plans to release it in Europe too.
Original story continues: Worldwide Switch shipments have exceeded 52 million units since the flagship console launched in March 2017, with over 10 million purchased in Japan.
The lifetime total includes over five million Switch Lite systems sold worldwide between the handheld’s September 2019 launch and December 31, 2019.
Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa recently told investors that Switch Lite is attracting a higher percentage of female first-time buyers than the flagship model did prior to the handheld’s release. “This signals further expansion of the female consumer base,” he said in November 2019.
“Furthermore, the pool of consumers purchasing Nintendo Switch Lite during the initial launch period includes not only users purchasing it as their first system, but also a good number of consumers purchasing it as their second system from the Nintendo Switch family.”

It was reported this week that a production bottleneck caused by the coronavirus outbreak is likely to result in global Nintendo Switch shortages by April.
Bloomberg sources said to be familiar with Nintendo’s supply chain claim current shortages of the flagship Switch model in the Asia-Pacific region will expand to the US and Europe if, as anticipated, virus disruption continues over the coming weeks, limiting component production at Chinese factories.