Capcom has no plans to bring Monster Hunter World to Switch

But it does intend to develop a new series entry that can be enjoyed by teenagers

Capcom has no plans to bring Monster Hunter World to Switch

Capcom has said it has no plans to release Monster Hunter World for Nintendo Switch.

Released for PS4 and Xbox One in January 2018 and for PC in August of the same year, Monster Hunter World is Capcom’s best-selling game of all time.

As of March 2020, Monster Hunter: World had shipped 15.7 million units, while expansion Monster Hunter World: Iceborne had shipped 5.2 million units.

During a shareholder meeting this month, Capcom was asked whether it has any intention of bringing the base game to Nintendo Switch.

“Currently, we are not planning to deploy Monster Hunter: World on the Nintendo Switch,” it responded (via Google translate).

The same questioner also asked if Capcom will once again release a Monster Hunter game “that high school students can enjoy”.

“We are planning to develop a Monster Hunter that can be enjoyed by junior and senior high school students, and look forward to future developments,” the Japanese publisher said.

The Monster Hunter series launched in 2004 and cumulative shipments exceeded 63 million units as of March 2020.

In terms of Capcom’s lifetime shipments, the franchise is one place ahead of Street Fighter (44 million) and second only to Resident Evil (100 million).

Capcom announced today that Monster Hunter World: Iceborne’s fourth title update will arrive on July 9, introducing “fan-favorite” monster Alatreon, who’s showcased in the new trailer above.

The update was originally scheduled to launch in May but was delayed because of disruption to its production schedule caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

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