Capcom Fighting Collection producer wants to bring more fighting games to modern systems

Capcom Fighting Collection 2 is out in May, but many Capcom fighters remain unplayable on current hardware

Capcom Fighting Collection producer wants to bring more fighting games to modern systems

The producer of the Capcom Fighting Collection series says there are still more classic fighting games he wants to make playable on modern consoles.

Speaking to Japanese publication Inside Games, Capcom producer Shuhei Matsumoto said he wants to provide a way for more of its vintage fighting titles to be available on current generation hardware.

While a third Capcom Fighting Collection has yet to be confirmed, Inside Games asked Matsumoto if he had any interest in working on a theoretical third entry.

Although not specifically saying he wanted to see a Capcom Fighting Collection 3, Matsumoto still expressed his desire to see more out-of-print Capcom fighting games to be made available on modern systems.

“Capcom has a huge number of fighting games, and there are still a number of titles that cannot be played on current consoles,” he explained. “We want to listen to the voices of our fans and provide an environment where as many of these games as possible can be played.”

In recent years Capcom has been releasing numerous compilations of fighting games and beat ’em ups from its back catalogue.

In 2022 it released Capcom Fighting Collection, which featured the arcade versions of ten Capcom fighting games, including all five Darkstalkers games.

This was followed by Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection, which offered a further seven games including numerous Marvel and Capcom crossover titles.

Capcom Fighting Collection 2 is due for release on May 16, and will include the two Capcom vs SNK games, neither of which have been re-released since their debuts in 2000 and 2001 respectively. It also includes numerous 3D fighting games (including both Power Stone titles) and Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper.

Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection was originally not planned to release on Xbox, but following outcry from fans the compilation finally came to Xbox One last week. The upcoming Capcom Fighting Collection 2, which was also originally going to skip Microsoft‘s console, will be coming to Xbox following “technical discussions” between Xbox and Capcom.

Street Fighter 6 (PS5)
Street Fighter 6 (PS4)
Street Fighter 6 (Xbox Series X/S)
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